chapter 2

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^cypress 10 years  later^

It has been 10 years since my parents abandoned me in this cruel world. I hope they are having fun in hell right now. It has also been 10 years since a warrior tribe has taken me in and made me in to the women I am today. The one women that everyone calls Death because I'm a murderous swordswomen that shows no mercy.

Just today we have received word that there will be an attack from another warrior tribe. I'm prepared as I watch as everyone scurries around collecting their things.

As I watch the men, Jun,  the leader,  walks up to me with his friends Jake, Niod, Xavier, and Yun his twin.

"having fun watching the men hurry to collect their things and get information? " jun asked.

"what do you want from me now! I'm trying to enjoy myself here as I try to be patient enough to I can go ham on the opposing tribe! " I hissed. (a/n ham means going crazy on something or someone)

"well... We want you and us only to go attack considering they only brought about 7 men. " yun said.

"I'll part take in this... " I said while licking my lips ready to go Ham on them.

We made it to the battle field. Before we could ask what this tribe wanted,  they attacked taking jake and Niod out first. Licked my lips again as 2 men went to attack me.

"this shall be fun! " I laughed as I easily cut both of the men's heads off. I was covered in blood as I noticed that Xavier was now down and it was only the 3 of us against 5.

I bit my lip knowing that without Xavier and the rest we could never win this.  The leader of the tribe sent 4 men after us. I cut 2 down as I noticed yun fall to the ground dead and jun whimpering and not paying attention as the last 2 of the men came after him. I was able to chop down one but missed the last one as they pulled out another sword and cut my stomach but luckily not fatally and cut Jun's  head clean off.  I laid on the ground tears falling down my face as the leader and his star member walked up to me and picked me up and carried me off as I fell unconscious from the blood loss.

<as I promised this chapter was longer. And just so you know I published this a day after I finished it just in case that I wanted to add more... Hope your loving the story!  ♥>

warrior of heartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang