chapter 3

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When I woke up, I was in an unfamiliar room. I tried to get up only to realize that I was tied in rope. I had little to no memory of what had happened before I passed out. I only remember that I was cut in the stomach and fell unconscious.

I took in my surroundings. I was in an unfamiliar place. It looked the same as my groups headquarters but there was something different about the air. It smelled different, and no I'm not partially dog I can just smell something different, and the air was a little thicker.

I sat there for awhile until I heard footsteps. They were coming closer to the door. The door had soon opened and there stood the chief of our enemy.

"your a handful aren't you? " he asked and the second in command entered the room not far behind.

"remember, she is a strong fighter basically forced todo this job starting at the young age of 6.  We must have her join us by choice. " the second in command said to the leader as his men huddled outside the door.

"men.... Typical... Always wanting the strongest... The best of the best. " I mumbled so they can just barley hear.

"what? " one of the men said.

" I was asking what the punishment is if I don't agree to join! " I hissed.

"death. " the second in commander bluntly said.

"tch... Fine... But only because I value my life! " I hissed as the leader sighed.

"if you value your life then you would have fled the battle. " the leader said as someone untied me, "oh and I want you to call me Hunter... My real name since you will be third in command... And your name? Maybe even the class you were labeled as in your old group? "

"my name is Cypress... For my class.... I was a higher rank then the leader... I was the actual leader but he lead the group. " I sighed as I put my hands behind my head and walked away.

"why are you walking away? " hunter said.

"I'm getting food dipstick! Cause I mean am I supposed to starve? " I hissed.

"why the attitude? " hunter asked trying not to try and hurt me.

"I've always had this attitude since I woke up the first day of being 6 years old... My parents fault for killing them self's in that fire because I was special. Resting in hell is what I'm guessing... So may they live there for eternity! " I hissed as I started walking away again but stopped, "oh and your just gonna have to get used to my attitude you highness! "

I then vanished because I was using my super human speed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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