SPEECH 3: Be Yourself!

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SPEECH 3: Be Yourself!

  Hey! Just have something to say! I know that sometimes it can be hard to be yourself. I know you might get scared of what other people think. So do I. I mean don't we all? But either way it does not mean you have to pretend to be someone your not. People judge. Thats life. If they don't like who you are then so be it. Thats their problem. So the best you can do is be yourself and don't pretend. Its better than not having people get to know the REAL you. I have friends and I also HAD friends. My real friends love me for the crazy wierdo that I am and that makes me happy. I don't have to worry. My frenemys did not like me. I always tried to be just like them but I realized that that does not make me them. That caused me to have a really hard time with myself. I didn't realize how great the real person inside of me was. I even had one of them make fun of my clothes and my style because I loved to wear bright colors and dresses and what-not. I used always worry on their words. It hurt. If I had the confidence back then that I have today, I guarantee you that things would have been different. I love my crazy BFF's and they love me. And they would support me just like I would do to them. We all have each others backs<3 :)Anyways that's it for now! Love you guys!

Just one of my SPEECHES!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ