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  • Dedicated to Everyone who is reading this!


  Hey! So this is what I think about cyberbullys, they are sad lonely people who have nothing better to do than to sit behind a computer screen and try ruin someones life. As well as I feel bad for the victim I feel bad for the bully as well. Because they must be so self-centered and shallow to pick on someone like that. It's really sad and pathetic.

Seriously, a message to the cyberbullys:

Stop wasting your time like that on the internet and make something better out of your life. Do not lose hope on yourself You can still make things change!

And a message to the victims:

Do not waste your time on the internet with the bullys. Because every second you spend reading and dwelling, or replying to their words, gives them more encouragement to do it again. So if it happens to you simply block them or something and do not let them contact you anymore.

  I am so glad to have gotten that out of my system! Have a nice day everyone! God Bless XOXO<3(I apologize for any grammar mistakes!) :)

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