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        The cloud turns dark all of a sudden, i couldn't see anything.
It started raining heavily, it seems like the rain wouldn't stop.
The rain becomes heavier every minute, I hear a cry, it sounded more of a baby's own, it is so loud and clear.
As the rain gets heavier every minutes the voice of the baby changed into different tones. It sounded like that of a baby at first, it changes to an adult voice and the last cry is terrifying, it sounds like a beast.

Fear begin to arise in me, i can feel my legs shaking.

Few minutes later

It stops raining, the cry become loud and scary, i use my hands to block my ears so not to hear the voice anymore, i know i can get crazy at the sound of the voice, my hands were not helping, it made it echoe into my ears.

I started running in the dark room, my hand hit something, i turned to look at the thing but couldn't see anything.
My hand hurts, i placed my hands on the wall as i walk, trying to locate a switch, lucky me i find a switch. As i was about to onn the light, i felt something  moving on my leg, i stand still, what the hell is that?  i ask myself.
It continue moving, when it gets to my laps it stopped and sting me. I scream loudly and quickly onn the switch.
I fell to the ground in pains, holding unto my laps, it was so painful.
As i was grinning in pains, i noticed someone peeping, i took a pause and said to myself, did i just see someone?
I rotate my eyes slowly and see a lady standing in front of a mirror, she is one legged and  having a leg of copper, i froze instantly with my eyes wide open. I hear someone whisper into my left ear, i feel like bursting into tears immediately.

to be continue.


I hope you guys love this piece,  more are to come.

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