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I wake up and see mum whispering into my ears, Kiki wakeup.
I sit on my bed looking at my mum in surprise.

Bellona: Why that face? looking at her daughter, she held unto her shoulder, are you okay child?.

Kikimora: I'm okay, I'm good, (she smiled at her mum)

Bellona: Better.(stand up) I'm going to the kitchen now,(walking) make sure you are done dressing up for school before i'm done cooking.

Kikimora: Okay mum
Bellona went into the kitchen to prepare Honey roasted bacon and egg.

Kiki stand up from the bed and rush into the bathroom, as she is bathing she notice a small hole on her laps.

Kikimora: What the hell is this?
Her left laps becomes green.

Kikimora: (excited)What is happening to me?  My precious laps, nobody must see this.
(She rushed out of the bathroom after bathing and wear a white bra, white singlet, jean jacket, jeans trouser and sneaker foot wear, she carried are bag and head to the dinning for breakfast).

After eating her mum drove her to school.
She is a ballerina.


Kikimora enters the class.

Miracle : Kiki, come over here, i have been expecting you since morning.  Miracle is Kikimora Coursemate, he is tall, huge, hairy and cute. Kiki went straight to him.

Kikimora : (She sits beside Miracle at the Coach) How are you?

Miracle: As you can see i'm very much okay. I hope you've trained during the weekend at home.
(kiki sit in front of him)

Kiki : Yes i did train

Miracle : That's my girl, go change into your tutu, a sexy one to be precise.
She smiled and went to the changing room.

Few minutes later

Miracle looking at Kiki as she steps out from the changing room.

Miracle : First time, he speaks in surprise.

Kikimora : First time of what?

Miracle : You putting on a long tutu,  i have never see you in that.

Kikimora : Are we here to talk about my Tutu or train?

Miracle : Both
The training begins as they dance to Land of all by WOODKID.

They both practice for 3hrs.
There dance instructor is not around,  everybody did rehearsals, when it is 6pm they all go to there various destination.
Kiki on her way home, she start thinking.

Kikamora : (Thinking) I wish i can extend the day, I'm scared of the night, i don't want to sleep and have nightmares, i don't want any more scars on my lovely body, i don't feel like going home.


I hope you guys love this piece, i need you guys comments and votes. If you see any misspelt words or error, you can notify me to re edit. Thanks.

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