Our past is never burried

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April's POV
Ever since Mathew lost his job times have been hard. I have gone back to working at Grey Sloan, meanwhile Mathew took care of Ruby, and Harriet whenever I have her. Jackson of course has been skeptical, he doesn't trust Mathew anymore, and I don't blame him. He says he tries to quit, but his drinking is getting bad, and he is getting worse at hiding it.

I haven't trusted him since he lost his job, and only now, a year later, is he's starting to gain my trust again.
" Good morning Matt" I yawned.
" Mathew??" I questioned, how come he wasn't in bed, it's probably nothing I had to tell myself, I hate that I have to worry.

" He is probably just feeding Ruby" I whispered reassuringly.

I jumped up and walked over to the kitchen, but Mathew wasn't there.
I ran to the living room now, my heart pounding, but he was nowhere to be found.

I searched the whole house, neither him nor Ruby was there. At that moment my phone rang and I rushed over to it. The caller ID wasn't Mathew, but I answered it anyway, still anticipating his voice.

" Hello, Is this April Kepner?" a woman asked.

"Yes, this is she" I answered hesitantly.

" Ms. Kepner we are quite sorry to inform you, that your partner, Mathew Taylor is under investigation by Dyfs, and is currently in our Seattle office. We need you to pick up his daughter Ruby as soon as possible ......"

" Ummm, sorry. Did you say he was under investigation by Dyfs? Like the child care agency?" I questioned, shocked by what I was hearing.

" Yes Ms.Kepner, he is here right now, we need you to pick up Ruby."

" Yes I know that, I meant, why is he there, who reported him?"

" I am sorry Miss but we can not disclose that information at this moment. Thank you for your time ...."

*Bbrrrrriiiiiing Bbrrrrriiiiiing*

My phone rang, interrupting the woman from Dyfs, it was Jackson, how convenient.

" I'm so sorry April. I didn't mean too!"
Jackson pleaded.

" Sorry? ..... Jackson I don't have time for this right now, a lot is going on, just please,"

" It's my fault" he interrupted, " I called Dyfs on Mathew, I'm so sorry"

I hung up immediately. How could he! Jackson, the father of my children, always finding new ways to ruin things for me. I couldn't believe it. Why, did he even do it? It couldn't be because Harriet, he knows Harriet loves Mathew. Unless this is about me. And I thought we were over, how foolish could I be, but Maggie is gone and now nobody is in the way. And it is now starting to seem like our past is never buried.

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