Things not said

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                     Jackson's POV
I never mean to cause trouble. But, the truth is, I love April. More than anyone, we are  mint to be, as she used to say. But she doesn't love me anymore, she loves Mathew. I don't have anything against Mathew, he was a nice guy. Except now and days he is different, an alcoholic like Richard used to be, and much as he tries to hide it, it's affecting him and April's relationship. This is not something I should be happy about, and yet I can't stop dreaming of being with April again, smiling whenever I see them together, not because they're good together, but because soon I know April will love me again, but I don't know how to say it.
            I know that if I don't do something they will stay together forever, April is to caring to hurt Mathew again. But I can tell she is unhappy. I rarely see her beautiful smile anymore, the bounce in her step she once had is gone. And I could change that! I could save her from a life she doesn't need, my wife, being forced into something she does not deserve.
           * On phone with Meredith*
" I just don't know what to do Mer, everything is so bad right now. I can't get through to her" I told her

" Well, you could always try going through him" she replied back " Just don't do anything stupid"

" Don't worry, I won't" I said a new idea popping into my head I could go through him, in a way that would change everything.

2 days later

" I'm so sorry April. I didn't mean too!"
I pleaded.

" Sorry? ..... Jackson I don't have time for this right now, a lot is going on, just please," she muttered irritated.

" It's my fault" I interrupted,  " I called Dyfs on Mathew, I'm so sorry"

She hung up. I didn't know what I was thinking. It was a spur of the moment, I just wanted her back with me, and selfishly I didn't care who it hurt. But I realized that the person I had hurt the most was April. And no matter how hard I tried I could never change that. I may of ruined my chances with her. If only I had said how I really felt.

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