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Devan glanced out of the plane window, while the clouds drifted across the sky. The clouds were the color of amber, reminding him of the catastrophe that mankind had brought upon themselves.

A nuclear war, his ancestors called it. Not many survived, and their history was pained and disastrous. Although the war was over long ago, the pain and destruction will always be a memory to them everytime they look up to find the color of the sky.

He turned away from the window. The past was for them to make the right choices, but now the future was the most important in the process of shaping the future of humankind.

"Hey, Devan," General Barker spoke from behind him. The general was one of his closest friends, for they grew up together and led the newly-reformed humankind on Earth to success. Devan turned and spoke, "What's the matter?"

"I wonder... if something might be happening. Usually, you don't get called to council meetings unless it's very crucial," The General replied. Devan nodded, taking a deep breath, "I know, and I am worried too. We are defenseless, and our military would be easily destroyed by those of other powerful empires out in the stars."

Barker wanted to reply, but he was cut off by the announcement from the speaker, "We will be reaching Terminal Airport in approximately a minute, please fasten your seatbelts."

The entire journey across the Pacific took merely less than half an hour, and as the plane descended through the clouds the city beneath became clearer, all the buildings of different sizes and colors, and hovering above the ground where the farms and plants were on a separate piece of land. Nothing grew on the dead, poisonous soil on Earth, so importing soil from other habitable planets would be easier than futile efforts to return the soil to its original beauty. Yet, something towered over the whole city, an orb-shaped megastructure that was levitated in the air, lights shimmering on the orb, and only a thin metal strip barely visible from afar held it to the ground.

It was the council, a building to hold annual meetings and only for the most important people, and it was his destination. But this time everyone knew something was not right, something bad was about to happen -- those who built the Earth back to its original glory was invited to this meeting, and they would not do so unless it determined the fate of life on the planet. Lieutenant Barker was sent to escort him to the council, but he was the one that was entering the building of the council itself.

The plane descended smoothly and landed on the parking lot. The doors swung open and the duo exited the plane and strode towards the single elevator that led up to the council.

The city looked so different since he last left. The once desolate brown land was now covered with huge metal tiles that lined every inch of the walkway, and the city was beautiful, the floating buildings filled with multicolored lights and they were huge, connected by a line of tunnels and above them on a huge piece of land there were trees, lush and green, swaying with every whisper of the breeze.

"Look, Devan. It has changed to such a beautiful place, it's all your contributions," Barker said.

"No," Devan replied, "It's not me. It's everyone that is living on the planet, who brought us to where we are now."

They walked in silence until they reached the elevator. The elevator door was opened, and they stopped in front of the door.

"Take care, my friend," Barker spoke, "I'm going to European Earth after sending you here, so we'd not be seeing each other for a very long time. Just remember, whatever you do up there in the council building and whatever decision you make, don't risk your life. Up there, every promise comes with a sacrifice."

"I'll take note of that. Don't worry, what could happen to me there? I'll survive to see the next sunrise at least," Devan chuckled, and stepped into the elevator, "Goodbye my friend."

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