41|Never Before Kinda Angry

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3rd person pov

Harry ran with enough force all the other werewolves who he'd howl for could feel the ground shake Harry didn't stop didn't even acknowledge their existence as he passed they were nothing but an insignificant blur at the moment

They followed behind Harry went over the Kelin den line smells assaulted his nose all unfamiliar and would have been overwhelming if he hadn't been dead set on his mate had he not been this angry, this focused, and this goddamn homicidal his senses would have brought him to the floor having to sort out every new wolf scent

The other wolves didn't attempt to sniff anything they just followed Harry obediently

Harry saw wolves ahead of him and he just run right over them it was their fault they didn't move out of the way and no matter what they did they weren't who Harry was after The last wolf in the pack would drop off and take care of them

Harry saw where he was going where Alexis was a metal warehouse come into view a meat packing plant that never made it there was 4 wolves at the door and a few on other sides of the building but Harry only sped up as he got just a few feet from the building he jumped and dug he claws into the metal wall he crawled up the wall hearing his pack fighting with the guarding wolves

He threw himself through one of the large windows he landed on his feet the cement cracking under him 6 wolves came at him but none of them were who he was looking for

Before they encircled him

He saw her

Alexis was duct taped to a chair her forehead was busted, her left eye was puffy and purple, her left cheek was cut wide open, her bottom lip had enough blood that underneath it she could be missing a whole chunk of her lip, and her legs... they were spread open

It's as if the moment went in complete slow motion for Harry Alexis's head bobbed up and down lazily her eyes rolling back and fluttering closed she was barely able to keep herself from blacking out Harry heard yelling and screaming but it muffled and hazy he broke right through the wolves and went after her but in that same slow motion he felt himself behind jerked down toward the earth his arm still extended out toward Alexis his back scrunched up as he felt bites

Finally the world sped back up he flipped over crushing wolves under him he grabbed the 2 wolves he could reach and threw them he flung himself up only 1 wolf still attached to his back he tried to shake him off and growled loudly tackling 3 at the same time taking hits and scratches without pain which of course was bad he was getting taken on from all sides he was just so tunnel visioned he was just letting them cut at him while he fought

"Should we do anything?" Cody hummed

"No we're fine" Luke waved him off "let's enjoy being spectators" he grabbed Alexis by the hair yanking her head back "aren't you having fun?" He smiled widely and kissed her his mouth filling with her blood he pulled away licking his lips then jolted back squeezing his eyes closed

She spat in his face

"you stupid bitch!" He growled he would have smacked her but the fresh eyepatch had his hand eye coordination down at least 50% he wasn't about to smack her in the head and hurt himself "first your damn dog then you you both just don't give up mm?!" He wiped his face avoiding the patch showing the fact on his left hand he was missing his ring finger and part of his pinky Nuk Nuk had bitten them off so Luke skinned him

"She's used to this my brother beat her regularly" Cody huffed "he beat the living day lights out of her and she'd rarely ever pass out" he grabbed a chunk of her hair "he should have beat you to death but no you killed him" he shoved her head to the side "that's why I'm gunna kill you"

Claw Through My HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora