52|That's Mine

644 27 3

3rd person pov

"I think she's full Kitten really" Ace laughed

Alexis had made almost a whole chicken's worth of baked chicken tenders for dinner and she was giving Luna anything she looked at Luna hadn't changed back yet so Alexis had no idea what she wanted

"But I just wanna be sure" Alexis frowned deeply Ace sighed and picked up Luna laying her in his arms rubbing her tummy

"She's got a full tummy" he kissed her head "uh?" She nodded he sighed

"You want her sleeping with us again tonight?" It was her second night home he'd accept it without another word

"N-no" she sighed "Luna scratched me pretty bad last night in her sleep"

He frowned deeply "where?" Alexis pulled down her right sleeve showing the tops of 3 long scratches "Jesus Alexis" he pulled it down more showing the 3 inch long scratches "you should have woke me up"

"No it's fine" she tugged her neckline back up "she didn't mean it" she looked at her untouched plate "I don't feel well Ace" her voice trembled

"Kitten..." he looked down at Luna who was already dozing off he sighed and brought her up the stairs down the hall laying her in her crib he walked back down Alexis was hunched over and her shoulders shook a bit she was silently crying

"She's okay Alexis she is fine nothing's wrong with her she's home she's not leaving"

She nodded "I know I know that just..." she bit her lip

"What? Tell me, tell me anything..." he massaged her shoulder muscles

"Harry" she swallowed hard "he's alive he's out there and-" she let out a loud sob

Ace paused for a moment his eyes started to sting with fresh tears his throat closing just a bit he nodded "I'm sorry" he tried his absolute hardest not to croak over his words especially seeing the ring he gave her on her finger

"No no I'm sorry Ace I really truly am I-I thought I could get over him I-I thought he was gone and even when I really thought that I couldn't let go now knowing he is alive but I can't have him... Luna still can't have her father..." she wiped her face

It was like she was pinching the arteries and veins around his heart nothing coming in nothing going out just a slow suffocation

He sighed deeply tilting his head back to stifle tears then looked back down at her shrugging "I... I'm sorry I'm not good enough"

"No no Ace that's not what I meant" she put her hand over one of his spinning around to look at him

He shrugged limply "Isn't it though? I'm not him I'll never be him I'll never be her father or be your mate" she stood up still holding his hand

"Ace you're right... you're not him you're you and you are an amazing man and I'm so thankful for you and I do love you" Ace sighed softly

"I love you all I've wanted to do was show you since the second I realized I love you" he pulled her for a hug "I realized I loved you the day Luna went to the doctor for her shots and you were holding her and singing to her" Ace stroked her hair "it just it made my heart swell"

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