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Today is Saturday.

Hoy es Sábado.

I don't know what another language to say THAT IT IS SATURDAY.


Two more days until I can finally start my senior year at my new high school. MY SENIOR YEAR! Just one more year until I can finally graduate from a place that I will temporarily call hell. Then later on, I will have to attend school again. Just one more year until I get to go to UCLA. At least I already got accepted into the school of my dreams.

Isaac is still calling me old, but wait till he gets to high school, then it will be my turn to laugh. I know that soon I will see him frantically looking for his homework. He says that he is organized, but that's like saying I don't like food. I don't like food, I LOVE it. That's actually part of my modo "Fries Before Guys"- I read that on some shirt I saw at Forever 21. Anyway, I know that I don't have to freak out today. The button in my head labeled "Panic mode" will set off on Monday, but right now and for the rest of the weekend, I can just sleep in.

At least that's what I thought I would be doing until I heard that mocking sound.


I roll over to my side and get my phone from the nightstand.

"Hello?" I rub my eyes with my palm of my hands to keep my eyes from gluing together. My eyelids feel heavy, and all I want to do is close them, go to sleep, and then dream about me being on a cruise with Cole Sprouse.

"SOFIA!" I didn't realize that Emely has been repeating my name multiple times, trying to get my attention. It is not my fault that I had to drive 2 hours straight and then stay up for 2 more hours to come out as respectful at a party that was thrown to welcome me back.

"I'm sorry, I spaced, I'm just really tired from last night."

"Have you checked what time it is?" The thought never came to mind. It is 3 in the afternoon.

"It still isn't enough sleep for me. I prefer sleeping for 10-24 hours thank you very much," she chuckles in disbelief and sighs in frustration.

"Well too bad, get your lazy ass up, or you know what I'm coming over with Amanda and we are going to have fun. Don't argue with me. Love Ya!" Before I could argue with her, the line goes dead.

The radio silence is unsettling and all there is left to do is get ready for whatever it is they have planned. I drag myself out of my personal heaven - my bed - and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I change into my blue jeans, white crop top, and my black and white Jordans. I put my hair into a simple ponytail and feel satisfied with the way I look.

"Damn, did you and the ogre under your bed have an ugly contest. You know, Sofia, it's not fair to the amateurs if a professional is competing too," and that is my wonderful 13 year old brother.

Isaac Steven Francisco Ramirez.

Can't live with him, can't live without him.

"Oh, wait that reminds me, are you still afraid of spiders," I pull up a picture of a tarantula on my phone as my wallpaper. He stifles a gag with the palm of his hand and dashes into his room. A victorious smile finds its way to my face as I can hear him gagging repeatedly behind his bedroom door. "Drama Queen!"

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