Having Friends Over...Great

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What the actual fuck went through your dam dumb ass head when you thought up this shit? Or did you even fucking think like what the hell is wrong with you, you son of a Bitch?

Was what went through my head the moment my mother opened her mouth and asked two people I barely even knew if they would like to come over to my house. 

I was was just walking and talking with Leo and Nico barely showing them around only answering some questions about school still rambling about what Nico's name meant. Then the bell rang. 

"Shit..." I cursed. "Welp see you guys on the flip side I gotta go" I walk off without another word using the shortcut only I knew away from the cameras.

 I finally got to my locker and started to take my things out people coming out of there classrooms now going to their locker. After I get my things I sneak between people until I reach Jaylen's "office", which is just a vacant room they use mostly for storage and allow the student council to meet in and stuff.

I use my secret message knock to let Jaylen know it's me and to cancel his meeting if he is in one. Then, he answers the door, his button-up shirt off on some buttons, his belt buckle undone, his pants even saged to expose his boxers.

"This shit better be quick." He cursed at me. For a moment I thought he was self-serving but then...She was out. 

  Kahdi'jah Doltry. 

Her clothes were as messed up and his were I shook my head and walked in and so did Jaylen straightening his shirt and pants.

"What is it, Ignacia? I said make it quick." He demanded.

"No, wait. We gotta get something straight," I said and she sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

"What, Ignacia? What is it?"

" Kahdi'jah Doltry?" I asked. "out of ever slut and whore here you picked her?"

"yeah? What about it? I like her she likes me-" I cut him off.

"No, Jaylen. She likes your image. She likes the idea that you can help her with things out of her hand."

"Why do you care? You do the same thing." He said crossing his arms.

"Jaylen, you're my friend. And as your friend, I'm telling you to dump her." I say my voice as sincere as it has ever been.

"Friend? you have a weird way of showing it. You're blackmailing me to get the info you want. My relationship with Kahdi'jah should look like a blackmail gold mine to you." 

I glare at him and sigh. 

"Fine. I need full reports on Nico Di'Angelo and Leonidas Valdez. Put it in my locker by the morning."

"Okay," He replies.

 I start to walk out the door and before I close the door I look back and smile at Jaylen.

"Oh and one more thing," Jaylen hums an answer.

"You better get yourself checked.  Kahdi'jah has something. I can tell you that much, ya know. As a friend." I smile more and wink walking out and down the hall.

I walked all the way to the flagpole where I met my grandmother every day to drive home, or my mother occasionally. I stood there waiting and whatever and who shows up? Leo and Nico.

"Hey, Hermana!" Leo shouts making me get into a battle stance. That makes Leo flinch and Nico just backs up. "Jeez, I'm sorry."

I relax and glare at them both.

My Awful Mess //Leo Valdez x Oc Reader x Nico Di'Angelo//Where stories live. Discover now