hi again: an update on me

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hey yalls

hows life

its pretty good ( at least for me )

i am listening to an avi kaplan cover of 'hey ya' where he hit this vv sexy note (MMMH)


so, as some of you know, i had a sort of crisis, because i was feeling very down and pissed at everything. i loathed myself, cried a lot, and was just unhappy. i'd like you to know that a lot of that has changed. i'm so much more comfortable in my skin, and i feel pretty gr8. i also kinda have a grasp on my sexuality (i'm pretty much queer because i just don't know *cue laughy-crying emoji*) 

i'm now listening to 'africa' by toto (an update on my music listening)

i also got these overalls and they've changed the game for me...i love them so hecking much.

yes, i still have those phases where i feel like crap all the time and just want to curl up into a little ball and cry (wow what a mood), but they're a lot less frequent...they usually happen when i'm pms-ing (sorry...tmi)

but overall (AHAHA WHAT A GREAT PUN), life has become a lot more enjoyable.

and don't worry; i'm still the extremely geeky and awkward ginger that i started out as...in case you were worried ;)

have a noice day,

will <3

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