what happened 2 years ago

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I'm on the run... Again.

When will this stop?

I don't know.
I wish I never ran from my pack, that I'd stayed and not neglected my duties as the beta of Bluestone River Pack. I swore by oath, that I was always going to belong to my pack, and never neglect my duties. Guess I broke that oath. Oops?

I should be dead by now, but I'm not. I don't know how, or why.

My mind once again trails back to... Him.

I chose to run, I know you probably didn't think that would be it but, it is.

I ran to protect my pack, believe it or not. If I would've stayed, he would've killed my entire pack to get to me, to prove a point.

I would not let that happen. Never. Never in a million years.

I'm no longer the strongest beta... or the strongest female wolf... I'm a coward, on the run and afraid.

Right now I'm in the territory of our- I mean my old packs closest alliances. River Falls pack.

I need to hurry though, I've been here too long, they'll catch me if I waste anymore time.

And, as if on cue, the patrol wolves howls of alarm fill the air. They know, lucky me!

Note the sarcasm.

I'm playing a game with fate, and I could be caught out at any moment.

It's a game of survival, and I intend on winning.

As I race back toward the boundary line that separates the packs, I hear the russling of leaves and twigs snapping under the weight of a wolf not far behind me.

I quickly glance back and, low and behold, the highest ranking wolves are chasing me through their territory. Well what else do you expect, dumbbutt!

I was so engrossed in my thoughts, I had no up coming warning about the patrol wolf on the ledge in front of me leaping off and knocking me down. Ouch.

When I fall, my head hits a rock so hard that white lights begin to cloud my vision, and my head begins to ache. This is not good. They're gonna kill me! Oh Lord, please don't let this happen, I'm too young to die!

As the alpha steps foward, I begin to look back at my mistakes. I begin to think about Lydia and Erica. If I never dragged them out into the forest in the middle of the night, none of this would have happened, Lydia wouldn't have been kidnapped, Erica and I would have never crossed the boundary line and came face to face with the alpha of the redwood pack and I never would have had to run away.

As my eyelids slowly begin to droop, I feel the bone breaking sensation of the shift. I'm changing back, after 1 and a half years of being in my wolf form.

I can't move, I can't scream, heck I don't even thing I can keep me eyes open properly. I see two figures coming towards me, human of course. Wait two?

Oh yeah, it's the alpha brothers, duh. WAIT WHAT?!? No this can't be happening.

As I stare at them, shocked, I feel my hair fall down my face, blocking my view. The older brother crouches down in front of me, and moves my hair out my face, a confused frown making its way to his face. The other brother, stands still and ridged, he looks utterly shell shocked.

As my eyes begin to close, memories and flashbacks begin to make their way to the front of my mind. I feel someone pick me up and begin to run.
Then I let the darkness consume me.

It's all my fault. What happened two years ago was my fault.

Rogue on the runWhere stories live. Discover now