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The End?

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I often think about how this single story continues to save me.

The first time was Sophomore year when I couldn't sleep because my head was mixed with letters and thoughts so alarmingly vivid, the only way to clear my head was to write.

The second time, was during my junior year. I never felt more alone when both of my best friends moved away. So, when I felt like the earth was going to swallow me whole- I would write.

Recently, my best friend. The same one who moved away... got taken away from me so unexpectedly, I pretended for a while that it wasn't real. I later convinced myself that I didn't deserve to be here and live life when she no longer could. That's when I got the news that this book. The same book, that has brought me a sense of purpose and comfort for years and years, was getting published by Wattpad Books! This story has also became a part of the Paid Stories Program which allows readers to financially support their favorite writers. The program is available worldwide which means, you can support under any sky! I'm so grateful for everyone and everything. I never thought this would happen to me. I need you to understand that I didn't think I'd make it this far and yet, this book without fail, has picked me back up again since I was fifteen.

I'm crying as I'm typing this.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for all of your support! Please do not hesitate to ask any questions! I'm listening. I care. I've never not cared. I cannot thank you all enough for sticking by me through this!

And to all my new readers, welcome to the chaos ; )

p.s// Did you hear Saving Everest got adapted into a mobile game? Available on Google Play+ iTunes! Just search :"Chapters" to see this story come to life!

Saving EverestWhere stories live. Discover now