4. ''You promised you would stay out of trouble''

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Jones' Household-4: 29 pm, Monday Afternoon

''You promised you would stay out of trouble! You couldn't have just kept your mouth shut for one day, could you?''

Riley's eyes wander as she slouches on her couch, staring aimlessly into the distance. Glaring at her father pacing back and forth. Twisting her ring up and down her pointer finger, distracted by the shimmer of the gold. 

''Well I'm sorry if I was trying to stick up for my brothers because of that bitch that is just won't leave us alone. Unfortunately, Daddy's little princess ratted me out and now I have to be on librarian duty each day at lunch and after school for the next semester. All because I dropped my smoothie on his daughter's head. So lay it on me, how long am I being grounded for?''

Crossing her feet onto the coffee table, furrowing her eyebrows as she drones out her father's ranting. 

''You're not being grounded, instead, you are going to get Mrs. Friar's signature for that contract for me. You need to get as close as you can to those Friar boys. Especially that middle one, Lucas? I know you have your ways with manipulation, do anything you need to do by any means necessary.''   

Scoffing at the thought of her family underestimating her ways with manipulation. 

''I've always been one step ahead of you, Dad. Lest you forget that I was able to hunt down and imprison my rapist. Manipulating a high school student into doing our bidding for us is going to be easier than learning how to use a gun. Just give me tomorrow because I think that getting closer to Lucas is one way to get closer to his mother. Considering your fractured past with Mrs. Friar this says a lot.''

The infamous story of their father's history, eventually resulting in the affair with the mayor. As a repercussion of these events, their mother left and left no traces behind. Mrs. Friar creating a bad impression on the Jones' siblings.

Friar Household-6: 09 pm

''You invited them over for dinner tonight?! Mom, what were you thinking?''

Known in their hometown as the 'Red Queen', her smile can cause anybody to do her bidding for her. Her connections to the Jones' family and the Serpents are like her demons that she never shed from her skin or her conscience.

''I want to start over, but I need to make sure that Jones' daughter understands that she isn't going to mess with my son like that and get away with it. Does she want to play with me? Fine then, I'll play with her. Everybody knows that the way to the Serpent King is through the Princess.''

Scoffing at the thought of his mother messing with a teenage girl. They already have the Serpents after them, if the Goolies come back into town, their mother's past will haunt them forever.

''Mom, last time you brought me into this mess, the Goolies t-''

Raising her hand to halt her son's reasonings. Planting the palms of her hands on the table, undermining her youngest.

''I know exactly what they did. Do you think I want to be picking my son up from the morgue? It's just...you're my baby, Luke, I just don't want anything to happen to you.''

Caressing her son's cheek, her identical orbs staring at him

''You just need to trust Mom when I say I know exactly what I'm doing. Because I'm sure that there is more to Riley than she lets on. I just need to get her to trust me before I do your bidding for you''

Friar Household, 6:30 pm

''Why the fuck are we going to the Jones' house, Mom?''

The boys begrudgingly following their mother's footsteps, trudging in their sloppy footsteps up the steps of the porch.

''There are some things that Mr. Jones and I need to talk about to do with what happened in the past. Like I have previously told you, I am going to do everything in my willpower to protect you, boys. You three are my top priority and I'm not allowing anybody to come between our family again, not after what happened last time.''

A villainous glimmer in her eyes allows her message to be received. Firey expression of anger against the ones who hurt her the most.

''Mom, I'm the eldest and I know the way you work, why are you so determined on going after the Jones'. What did those kids ever do to you?''

A firm yet poised expression as their mother stands by her morals and stands her ground

''You know exactly what they've done''

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