27. Talk to Me

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''How long have you had Bipolar disorder for?''

Clenching her teeth together, her eyes quickly reddening by the gravity of the situation at large.

''Since I was about 9. There are periods of time where I have mania. Where I don't have a care in the world. I'd go out and party with strangers, I'd go out with my friends, I'd spend time with my family. I'd also lose control of my concentration, my mind would race with thoughts about anything and everything. But, as time passed, I started to lose my sense of reality. I had a great relationship with God at that time and was super religious. I'd fade in and out of my true reality, I just became unaware of what was really there.''

Holding her stomach, knowing the responsibility that is going drown upon her in approximately 2 weeks time.

''Before the accident, I remember having depression. I'd just lie in my bed for days on end, not doing anything, just staring at the ceiling, refusing to eat anything. I remember being unable to sleep for long periods of time. I'd just keep slipping in and out of consciousness. I was irritated by everybody and everything because of my unsustained sleeping schedule. I think that's where my eating disorder has stemmed from. I'd eat only little portions or not at all because I felt like I wasn't worthy. I still do this when I have bad days. I just wanted to give you an explanation as to why I act so crazy sometimes.''

Holding her close due to the rate of crime in Riverdale at night time.

''Riles, you don't need to apologise for what's happened. You never need to apologise for any of this.''

Forming the shape of her face in his hands. Kissing her forehead gently as he holds the brunette closely towards his body.

''Yes I do. I shouldn't be given a free pass for the fact that memory is clouded. I was such an asshole to most of the people that I care about. I need to fix things. I need to be given a chance to make things better. Please, let me fix this.''

Grasping at her boyfriend's fingers. Water wells as wide as crystal waterfalls in her eyes.

''Okay, if this is what you want. I'll help you get through this. You're not gonna be alone during this time. I promise you, we're gonna get through this together. But, I'm gonna need you to trust me. Do you think you can trust me?'

Lifting his hands as they hold her face. Resting her forehead against his gently.


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