White room

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I was sitting in white room, there was no one except for me and my little sister, Rachel.

"Something very scary must have happened to you two" echo went to this 'room'.

"Rachel, (Y/N)..... My name is Danny. I'm your counsellor.  Could you both tell me what happened to you?" the strange guy with glasses ask us.

I stayed quiet. Looking back to Ray, I got sleepy.'What's happening?' I ask myself as I slowly close my eyes.

I open my eyes and look around the room I was in. There were three chairs. I was sitting in one of them, in another was Rachel. Third was empty. 

"Where am I?"I heard soft voice of my little sister. She was already standing and exploring the room when I just sat thinking on what was happening. Behaind us was big window. The blue moon looked so beautiful yet so fake. It was the only light that was in the room.

"It's beautiful, isn't?"I asked softly trying not to scare Ray. She didn't even answer me. 

"We need to hurry back to find Mom and Dad." fastly she turn away from the window and start walking to the door. 'what's wrong with her?' I didn't follow her and turn back my attention to the blue moon.

'It didn't matter if we get to our parents on time or not, we always can lie that we got lost. But what on earth is this place? It's like some sort of room for patients. Are we in hospital? Why? What happened that we had to go to the hospital?' My thoughts were cut off by the hand holding my hand. Looking down I saw that hand was Ray's. It was such a long time that she was holding my hand. And her eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes were hypnotizing me, yet I could move like nothing was holding me back. She was waiting for me. Looking at me as questioning if I was going, patiently waiting for my answer. 

I simply nodded my head and start walking with her to the exit, hand in hand.

Opening door i was met with creepy hallway. I could feel how Rachel was nerves and lost, like I am. She was scared of the dark and I was scared of the things that was IN the dark.

"We came to the hospital... But this isn't it." I heard shaky whisper from Ray. She was terrified. 

There were cameras everywhere. Why? Were they filming us or something? Why us? Looking back to my little sister i could see terrified exspression on her face. I kneel in front of her.'I need to calm her down'

"Ray look at me"I whisper to her trying get her attention. She didn't even budge. "Ray, look at me now."i repeated myself again but more sternly. She look as she was going to cry. I cup her face in my hands and turn her head to my direction. "Oh no, Ray-Ray look at me. Everything is okay, nothing gonna happened, okay? I promise that we gonna go back home safe and sound. Please believe me Ray."I whispered to her. I know that she is scared, but I am to. I am an older sibling and it's my duty to make sure that she safe. 

"Okay, I trust you."she whispers back to me. She knows that I am scared to, but there is nothing to do with it. She has to trust me and maybe will get home safe.

Standing back and taking her hand I start to look around the hallway. There was another door and of course I start walking towards it. Next to door was some kind of writing.

"Who really are you?

You should ask yourself.

Who am I? The real myself 

or the one I believe to be?

An angel? Or a sacrifice?

Know yourself and new doors will open."

Smile For Me  {Angels of Death}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz