Chapter 1 : On The Run

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Hey! I'm back writing another D.Gray-Man Fanfiction! I couldn't think of a title so I named it Untitled. Anyways as I usually do, this takes place after they locked Allen up and he got away. Disclaimer: I don't own D.Gray-Man, only the Ocs if they come...
Chapter 1 : On The Run

~Allen's POV~
I'm running to nowhere. All he said was, "Run.". Not telling me where. or why. He just tells me what to do? Forget it. But for some reason I felt it was the right thing to do so that's how I got here. Running towards who knows where. I'm running in a forest a while away from the Order. My lungs burn with the cold air of November. I can't stop now, I need to get a little farther. The only thing on my mind now is my friends at the Order. Lenalee, Lavi, even Bakanda with everyone else. Will they miss me? 

~Normal POV~

Allen is running non-stop in a forest away from the Order. Finally he stops by a tree, breathing heavily. 'Neah, why do we have to run?' he asked mentally. A moment of silence came then he heard a response, "Because the Noah can sense me, now. I thought if we ran we would have time to think of a plan.". He nods and continue running until he see the light of a small village. 'We will rest for the night and continue early tomorrow morning.'  he decided. He walks around the village looking for a hotel, when he sees one he sprinted to the door and opened it. When he got in, he saw a short girl behind the counter. 'Maybe she helps her mother or father.' he thought. He walked up, sensing fear. "Hello, I'd like a room please." he said politely and took his hood off. Revealing his sliver hair and red scar on his left cheek. The young girl looked more frightened by his appearance then with the hood. She shakily gave him the key and ran off. He shrugged it off and walked to his room. Once he got in he fell on the bed, "Finally." he mentally sighed. After a while of laying down, he decided to take a shower. He grabbed a shirt and pair of pants from the closet then locked the shower door.
        During the shower he had a growing feeling of danger. It usually happens when a Noah is around. He truly hoped that wasn't the case. 'The last thing I need is Tyki or Road coming trying to drag me to the Earl.' he worried mentally As he got out, he dried his hair and checked his reflection to satisfy his ache. What he saw only worsened the feeling. His skin, now ash gray,and his hair, dark brown.. He sighed, 'Why now?' he whined in his head. Coming back to the moment he went back to his 'White Form' and unlocked the door. He slowly opened it to see who was there. Who he saw there was...

Cliff hanger! Haha anyways since I'm having a hard time choosing a name comment if you got a good one. The photo is of a reflection image of Neah and Allen, I thought maybe that's how he looks in his "Black Form". Anyways Review your thoughts!~   Goodbye~

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