Chapter 1

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  ~ general POV ~

It wasn't a normal day at Sina High School, in fact it was the start of the first day of school. Everything had already been prepared for receiving the students and nothing was out of place. It was almost time for them to enter the building and start their classes.
The Sophomore group, composed of Armin Arlert, Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackerman, Jean Kirschstein, Sasha Braus and Connie Springer, was at the entrance chattering about the beginning of their second year. They were all beyond excited, especially Eren and Jean. Though they were already on the verge of a fight, much to the other's chagrin. Typical.

"Shut up Jaeger, after all I was the one with the highest notes in the end, wasn't I?" sneered Jean.
"Fuck off Horse-face, this year I will make you regret those words" replied Eren.
"Oh really, Titan-boy? Come say it to my face."
"Oh just you wai-"

The small bickering ended when they (well everyone) heard the loud noise of an engine, probably a motorcycle by the volume of it.
"I know that sound... could it be, after all this years..." thought Jean.

~ back to normal POV ~

You parked your little baby in the closest spot to the gates, removed your helmet and ruffled your shoulder-length (h/c) hair, flipping it to the right so that your sidecut would show, as well as one of your heavily pierced ears. You then took your (f/c) bag and swung it on your shoulder, slowly approaching the entrance of your new high school. That's it, let's see how many idiots this school can offer.

You strolled down the main path, the sun reflecting in your double nostril piercings and the lip ring that adorned your usual half-smirk.
You immediately spotted a familiar tuft of bi-colour hair and walked there.

"Oi little shit." you called.
Everyone in the group stilled instantly, staring at you in pure horror, everyone but Jean, who immediately dropped his argument with Eren and turned, smiling wider than ever.

"(F/n)!!" he beamed, and didn't hesitate to pull you in a bone-wrecking hug, almost knocking you over.
"Oi, oi, get off me you're crushing my lungs!" you protested but hugged him back nevertheless.
"As if you didn't burn them out already." he joked. You did have a slight addiction to cigarettes, so what?
You smiled at him and ruffled his hair, since you were more or less the same height.
"(F/n) what are you doing here? Weren't you living in (Y/country)? What about your family?" he asked perplexed. Your smile dipped slightly and you looked at your feet as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.
"Yeah well... about that... my parents... listen can we talk about that later, maybe over at my place? For now just enjoy my presence here, I'm not going anywhere in any case!"
"Uh... okay, no problem. By the way in what class are you going to be in?" At least he's good at changing topic. That's my Jean.
"I don't really know actually. I just know that I'll be in Senior year since, you know, I'm an old hag!"
"Hahahaha yeah yeah.... so little granny, wanna come inside?" he said draping an arm over your shoulder and smirking to Eren, who was still shocked Jean could talk so freely to a tough-looking person like you.
"Lead the way!"

You almost reached the entrance when a pretty loud squeal destroyed your ears. What now?
"AAAAAAHHHHH!! Who dared parking this shit in my spot?! WHO???" it was the typical cheerleader girl that let out this inhuman sound: strawberry-blonde hair, heavy makeup and a clothing choice that rivaled the one of porn star. Great. Just great. (A/N: if you are a cheerleader I'm sorry, I needed Petra to look like a bitch and that was the first thing that came to my mind, I know you aren't one my dear Reader-chan <3)

You turned dramatically, leaving Jean slightly behind, and raised an eyebrow at her, daring her to say anything to you about your beloved motorbike.

"What." you deadpanned, lighting up a cigarette in the meantime.
"YOU! Who do you think you are? Remove that piece of garbage from my spot or..." she said walking towards you. "She's so dead oh my God. This is going to be fun." thought Jean.
"Or? C'mon just say it." you put on your best fake smile. She gritted her teeth in anger, knowing you were not going to listen to her. "So so dead!" mentally giggled Jean.
"Or... LEVIIII COME HERE!" she called. A rather short guy turned his head, annoyance painted all over his face, and slowly walked near the little bitch.
"What do you want Petra?" he asked, Petra almost jumping over him. He pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation thanks to the unnecessary commotion his girlfriend was causing. Then he raised his head to take a look at you. You caught the opportunity to check him out, noticing that he was a rather handsome guy with grey eyes and midnight-black hair styled in an undercut. Too bad he's a midget. And bound to this idiot.

"Levi, dear, this hoe won't move her... her shit from my spot! Do something!" she pleaded. Pathetic.
He eyed you for a moment and then spoke.

"What's your name brat?" he inquired, seemingly disinterested.
"(L/n), that's all you need to know. I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you but... it's not." you grinned at him.
"Tch, just move your bike already for fuck's sake." he growled in annoyance. "Why won't she tell me her fucking name?" thought Levi.
You let out a puff of smoke in his face, your pierced lip placed in a smirk.
"Uhm... let me think... no. I don't really feel like it pipsqueak. Besides, it doesn't have her name on it, does it?"
He furrowed his eyebrows at the comment on his height (or lack of it). Your smirk grew wider and after taking the last drag you threw your cigarette away, then left, not even listening to the bitch's complaints.

"Oi where the fuck do you think you're going brat?" he then snapped and grabbed your arm rather roughly, making you turn. You didn't waste a second and punched him in the guts, hard, making him wincing in pain and stumble to the ground, much to everyone surprise since Levi was known to be the strongest guy in the school (and also an ex-thug).

Petra immediately tried to make him stand but you were faster. You crouched slightly and grabbed his shirt by the collar, raising him to your eye-level.

"Don't you ever dare touch me again you midget." and you dropped him. You then took your leave and joined Jean, who was still shocked at your outburst, and entered the school.

"Tch." was all Levi had to say.

[AU] Levi x Punk!Reader: She's so...Where stories live. Discover now