Chapter 3

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  "(F/n) (L/n), Levi Ackerman."  

The moment those words left Erwin's mouth, Levi clicked his tongue in displeasure whilst you dramatically hit your head on your desk. What did I do wrong in the past life to deserve all of this shit, uh? What???
You lazily lifted your head and turned towards your new, fabulous partner, who was hoping (and thankfully failing) to set you on fire with his steel gaze, at least that was the impression he gave you. He's sure trying his best tho'.

"Now that you all have your partners, use this hour to decide what topic you want to deal with, then you'll organize your presentation in your free time. Feel free to use the library along with Internet. We have a whole new section on Astrophysics, and you're less likely to find false facts. Start!" announced Erwin with a bit too much excitement.

You started taking out your textbook, looking for something interesting and unique, something that would catch the attention of both Erwin and your classmates thus providing a good chance of getting a higher grade.
You were starting to leaf through your book when a hand slammed on the page you were currently set on, almost tearing it apart. You inhaled, surprised, following with your (e/c) orbs the faulty hand, a pale arm, a muscular shoulder up until the enraged face of Levi came into view. What the fuck does he want now?

"What the fuck are you doing, midget?" you said irritated, but kept your volume to a reasonable level not wanting to be reprimanded again by Erwin for your exquisite employment of French.
"No, brat, what the fuck are you doing? Do you really think I'm going to let you destroy my reputation by letting your filthy hands work on this shit? Hell no. You won't touch a single thing here, I'll do the job and you'll try not to upset me more than this." he ordered you around like a parent would with his 6-year-old child. I'm so going to kill him.
"How so? First, do you really think I'm that stupid? You got that one wrong midget, so so wrong. Second, may I remind you that we'll be evaluated for our collaboration skills as well? I'm sure you didn't forget about that, Your Majesty." you sneered.
"Tch." he clicked his tongue disapprovingly. You were right, he had to cooperate if he wanted a good mark. Luckily (for him) he came up with a not-so-pleasant solution.
"Don't worry about that, shithead. I'm going to tell Erwin to change my partner, someone else will have the disgrace to work with you." he stated, starting to get up to reach Erwin's desk.
Why does everyone think I'm a stupid criminal just because I'm not like the other girls? I was an idiot for thinking that it would have been different here.

You pushed your desk forward looking down, jolting up and purposefully hitting Levi's shoulder while getting out of the class as soon as possible completely ignoring Erwin's protests. Or you would punch someone in the face - that someone being that idiot of your desk-mate.

You ran aimlessly through the corridors for some time before spotting your lifeline behind a corner: Jean.
He was leaning against a wall in the hidden corridor on the top floor, right next to the staircase, with his arms crossed above his chest and his head down in a thoughtful manner.

"Oi, Jean-boy," you said with an empty voice, even though to Jean it seemed more like a growl that a beast came from the pit of hell would emit.
"Stop calling me th-" he half-shouted, freezing mid-sentence the moment he saw your face; you were enraged beyond salvation, and he never ever saw you this angered, your expression then contorted into one of hurt.

Meanwhile, Erwin forced Levi to find you and make you return to class, much to his (and Petra's) annoyance since he was responsible for your early departure.
He had to admit he was slightly worried since you were new and didn't know the school, so it was easy for you to get lost. And he also wanted to know why you practically vanished into thin air after what he said to you; he was sure you weren't that touchy, since you were pretty vulgar too and didn't behave like this when Petra said far worse things to you before. But guilt was already seeping through his brain.

He started by checking the ground and first floor, but there was no sign of your presence. He thought that maybe you went on the top floor, since no one was usually there and you probably wanted to be alone.
He climbed the stairs that led there, quickly verifying if you were actually there, but didn't find a single trace of you.
He started heading back when he heard a low but familiar sound coming from a dimly lit corridor he forgot to check. He was set on getting you back immediately but stopped when he heard a male voice-probably your friend that looked like a horse, and a series of roars. Jean, if he remembered his name correctly, sounded worried and that didn't make Levi particularly happy. "Why do I care if she's complaining like a baby? Tch, as if she had the right to, didn't someone teach her that life isn't always fair? Besides, she deserved it for being a bitch to Petra." he thought. But he was keen to know what you were going to say to your friend, so he stayed there in silence, listening.

"(F/n) what happened? Did that bitch say something to you again?" he asked. You clicked your tongue and shook your head. "How dare he! Insulting Petra like this!" thought Levi gritting his teeth.
"What then?" he was confused. He rarely saw you like this, so it must have been something important. You had a snappy attitude but you never went beyond a certain limit. This behaviour was something strange coming from you.
You answered trying to compose yourself, but you failed miserably.
"It was Levi... he... he said I am stupid, that I know nothing (JON SNOWsorry I had to XD)! What the fuck Jean this is all like before! Why do people judge me because of my looks?!" you half-screamed and threw a punch to the wall, scaring the shit out of Jean (and Levi, who was thankful nobody could see him in this state).
"Hey hey calm down (F/n)! First of all, I am your friend so no need to attempt to kill me with a punch in the face! And that idiot doesn't know shit about you, everybody that is familiar with you even a bit knows that you're practically a scientist. But you can't expect much from someone who chose Petra as his girlfriend, uh?" he tried joking. You giggled at his last statement.
"Yeah... Petra... that must be it..." you said in a tone Jean and Levi couldn't quite decipher.

Levi was both angered for their comments about him but also... disappointed with himself? He was never someone to judge others by their looks, ever... before meeting Petra. What happened to him then? Maybe being almost always with her was starting to take its toll on him... but it was true that you insulted his girlfriend, he had to do something for God's sake! But... he had to admit it, it was Petra who started making a fuss... (I changed taking to take.)
Levi was snapped out of his trance by a sound he never expected to be leaving your lips: a whimper. Even more than a whimper: a sob. You were crying.
He moved slightly from his spot and saw your head propped on Jean's shoulder, your back shaking slightly from your not-so-silent sobbing. "What happened to her?" he thought, surprised in finding himself worried about you.

"Why does nobody want to know me?! Why must I have no friends?! WHY AM I NEVER ENOUGH?" You half-yelled, the sound muffled by Jean's shirt. "She's blaming herself for having no friends... I thought she had plenty, after all she became pretty popular among the sophomores in a day... but now that I think about it, Petra and I have been insulting her the whole day, and to top it all off I just accused her of being an idiot when clearly she is not. Maybe I should give the brat a chance to prove herself..." pondered Levi, starting to feel guilty for having apparently misjudged you.

Sighing, Levi came completely out of his hiding spot and silently walked towards you and Jean, unnoticed since you were both occupied with respectively crying and consoling you.
When he was at no more than two meters from the both of you, Jean lifted his head and frowned.

"What do you want? Don't you think you've already done enough?" snarled Jean.
"Tch, shut up brat, I didn't come here to talk to you." reprimanded Levi.
"Then what the fuck do you want? You came up with new ways of mock me? I've had my fair share for today thank you." you said not even bothering to face him.
"Idiot, I didn't come here to insult yo-"
"That's what you just did." you interrupted in a matter-of-fact tone, finally turning to look at him.
"(L/n) don't make this any difficult. I'm... I'm here to tell you that I won't ask Erwin to change partners and... that I'll work with you." he said, muttering the last part.
"And what does make you think that I want to work with you?" you inquired. "This is obviously her revenge. Well played (L/n). But fuck you." complimented Levi in his mind.
"Just... just do the damn thing for fuck's sake. Erwin will have his goddamned presentation, we'll have our marks and we'll be fine." Levi said exasperated pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Uhm... well... let me think..." you fake-reasoned, tapping your chin with your fingers.
"(L/n)..." warned Levi.

"Okay fine fine! We'll do the thing!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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