Chapter 2

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"Tch." was all Levi had to say.

When you entered the building, you bid Jean goodbye before going to the Principal's office following the directions on the walls.
After about 2 minutes of sailing between the crowd of overly-excited students, you reached the office and stood by the door. You were ready to knock, when a deep voice from inside resonated.

"Please, do come in." How could he know I was here?
"Yeah I'm coming." you muttered stepping in.
The office itself was furnished with few pieces: an antique library that occupied the entirety of the left wall, a heavy-looking mahogany desk that stood in the middle of the room with two wooden chairs in the front and an old, velvety armchair behind it.
Sitting on said armchair was a man in his mid-sixties you supposed, with short, white hair and a long beard that adorned his serious face along with a pair of thin glasses. His outfit consisted of an elegant Prince-Of-Wales suit that strongly contrasted with your ripped black jeans, (f/c) tank top and black combat boots. The golden plate at the front of his desk read 'Darius Zackly'.
When you raised your gaze from the plate you were met by a pair of steel blue eyes that seemed to be looking for the deepest secret your soul held. Creepy.

"Well, I must assume you're our new student, miss (F/n) (M/n) (L/n), am I right?" he asked sternly.
"Y-yes, Sir." you stuttered. You never stuttered. This was the extent of how uncomfortable this man was making you.
"Good." then he started giving you paper after paper to complete to formalize your transfer from your previous high school. Then he gave you a list of your classes and where they were located in the building so you wouldn't get lost trying to find them.
"Thank you Sir." you chirped.
"Excellent. Now if you please, I would like to escort you to your first class: it will be Physics, held by professor Erwin Smith. I know you'll give your best Miss (L/n), I have high hopes concerning you." he did a half-smile, something you thought you would never see on his ever-serious face.
"I'll do my best Sir!"
"Well then, let's go." he opened the door and motioned for you to exit. You muttered a "Thanks" and waited for him outside so he could show you the way.

After a brief walk you arrived outside the door; he knocked lightly and a moment later a tall man with blue eyes, blonde hair and the most charming, fluffy brows you've ever seen opened the door.
"Oh Principal Zackly, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" he asked.
"Mr. Smith, from now on you'll have a new student attending your class" he told the man, then turned his upper body to let him see you, "come here miss (L/n)." He signalled for you to introduce yourself, then took his leave.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Professor Smith." you said while extending your right hand for him to shake.
"No need to be formal Miss... what's your name?" he asked curiously.
"(F/n) (L/n), (L/n) will be just fine Sir." you replied a bit sternly.
"Alright, (L/n), just call me Mr. Erwin like the rest of the class. Oh, why don't we enter and you introduce yourself to the rest of the students? I'm sure they'll be elated to meet you", he exclaimed. You weren't really sure about this, you already knew what your appearance would make them think about you - thug, stupid, short-tempered. While the last one was a bit true, you strongly disliked being judged just on your looks, since no one would try and talk to you to know you better. That's also why Jean was one of the few friends you had, but you liked it like that.

The moment you stepped in, your blood froze. There she was. The filthy bitch that insulted you and your most prized possession. God this is going to be a looooong year.
You almost thought things couldn't get worse but alas, life decided to cover you with more shit; the guy you kicked this morning, Levi the oh-so-perfect boyfriend, was sitting in the far left of the room, burning holes in your skull with his gaze. Scratch that this is going to be the longest year of my life. And possibly the worst. And I've been here for less than an hour.

"Good morning class. This morning I'd like to introduce you your new classmate, Miss (L/n)." Erwin's voice boomed, "Do you want to say something before going to your desk?" he suggested turning his head towards you.
"Name's (L/n). Just (L/n). I don't make friends. Don't bother me and I won't bother you. That's all." you said glancing back and forth between Petra and Levi. Never in my life will I try to befriend some idiots like you.
The students started chatting between them about you, you supposed, until Erwin spoke again,
"Interesting... well (L/n), why don't you take a sit next to Levi? I'm sure you'll get along well." he said, and you swore you saw a smirk plastered on his face. Oh yes, we will be the best of friends.

You slowly walked to your assigned spot, threw your bag on the ground and slumped on the chair, not even bothering to say "hello" to your new desk-mate, who seemed like he was going to implode in a fit of poorly concealed rage.
You smugly lifted your gaze only to be met with a furious Petra, to which you sent an evil smirk. Payback bitch.
You took out a sketchbook that served as an exercise book too, a black pen, and a pack of cigarettes. You put it all on your desk, and waited for the lesson to start.

A few moments later, Erwin turned on the interactive whiteboard and showed a series of assignments.
You immediately noted two things that made you dread what was coming next: the first one being their number was exactly half of the students in class, the second was the title, "Group work: Astrophysics" written nicely in a big, bold, black font. Oh no. No no no no no.

Groans of displeasure were heard through the class. Some, like Petra's, were due to the "Astrophysics" part, others, like yours (and unsurprisingly Levi's), because of the "Group" part.
In fact, you did not disliked group works. You loathed them. With all your might. Mostly because not a single person was usually up to your standards, since you were a little science genius (although no one believed that, for you were always by yourself in class and nobody knew your marks after a test).
Erwin blatantly ignored all of those nasty sounds and started explaining his (wicked) project.

"Okay class, what I want you to do for the next two weeks is work in pairs and produce a small essay about what peaks your interest the most in the Astrophysics field. Your work will be evaluated by following three parameters: content, presentation, and collaboration level in your pair." Sounds fun. Well, apart from the collaboration obviously, I wonder if one of these idiots at least knows what a star is, let alone the String Theory.

"Now I would like you to split into pai-" Erwin couldn't even manage to finish the sentence before Petra threw herself over Levi, sitting promptly on his lap and almost knocking you down. From the looks of his face, he didn't seem too happy about it, but it was only your supposition since he didn't do a thing to remove her from her spot. They're together after all...

"Uhm... Petra could you return to your desk? I didn't say you had the right to decide your partner, I'd like to keep at least this privilege to myself." reprimanded Erwin, unamused.
"But Mr. Erwin I thought we could-" she started, just to be interrupted by an irritated you.
"You heard him Ral, get the fuck away. You'll fuck him later anyway." you barked, leaving everyone, including Erwin, completely dumbfounded.
"How dare you-"
"Petra, please return to your seat. (L/n) watch your language." rebuked Erwin, although you noticed his almost inaudible chuckle.
"Now, as I was saying, I'm going to split you into pairs." And so he started calling one by one the groups.
"Petra Ral, Oluo Bozado." At this you heard Petra loudly groan, not that you cared.
"Mike Zacharias, Ilse Lagnar," and so on, until you heard it. Your name. Your beautiful, innocent name, next to the second one in your black list:

"(F/n) (L/n), Levi Ackerman."

[AU] Levi x Punk!Reader: She's so...Where stories live. Discover now