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”Hey! How are you doing?” I asked sweetly to Nash and his girlfriend as they walked into me and Cameron’s house. They both said good and we shared hugs. They came over to hang out for awhile since it was a boring Saturday night. I lead them into the kitchen where Cameron was. And while they were having boy-talk we went into the living room and decided to have some girl-talk.

     ”Don’t you just love this outfit? I think it especially looks great on her.” she said, showing me a picture from Instagram. “It’s beautiful.” I agreed. “Hey girl, me and Cameron are going to go to out for awhile, okay? We’ll be back later.” Nash said, poking his head into the living room. “Umm, yeah. Okay.” I answered and they walked out the door. They were always together and always going out. It was really getting on my nerves. I don’t know where they go and what they do. 

     ”I don’t know about you but I find it really annoying that they always dump us somewhere just to go out on their own.” I said, getting kind of upset. She agreed. As a girlfriend of almost a year, I think I should be able to know where my boyfriend is going and she should be able to know too. They never said; it was just “out”. “Well then how about me and you go out and have a little fun. Let’s see if they get jealous.” she said. I nodded my head, eyes wide. This was the best idea.

     We quickly went upstairs and got into short dresses, her black and mine white. We put on loads of make-up and some high heels. I did my hair so that it was curly. I must say, we looked fabulous. “We almost look just as great as that model in that picture.” I said, putting on some lipstick. She nodded her head. 

     We got in my car and I quickly tweeted, “Party time with my bae!” knowing that everyone, including Cam and Nash, would see it. And hopefully get the hint. “I know this about this party not too far from here that we can go to.” I said, backing out of the driveway.

     When we arrived, it wasn’t hard to tell which house had the party. There was music blasting, lights on in every window and not to mention, you could see all the people through the window. We got out and walked as model-ly as we could up the sidewalk, stairs and eventually inside. I was greeted by my guy-best-friend, James. I gave him a quick hug and peck on the cheek. Just then, I noticed Cam and Nash in the other room. I pulled Nash’s girlfriend’s arm and brought her into the Kitchen. “Nash and Cam are here, I just saw them.” I said, sort of panicking. “Just keep it cool. They do it to us, remember?” she said and I nodded my head.

     But Cameron wasn’t having it. He wasted no time tracking me down just from me entering the house, to being in the kitchen. He came up to me furious. “What the hell are you doing here?” He asked. “What does it look like? I think the question is: what are YOU doing here?” I asked, pointing to his chest. “We told you we were going out!” He defended. “So what were we supposed to do? Stay at home and do nothing?” I asked angrier. He didn’t say anything. “Are you following me?” He asked. “Excuse me? We decided to have some fun. You know, like you and Nash always have without us.” I said. “Are you jealous or something? Because I don’t think you would have found us any other way except if you were following us.” He said. “Actually, I knew about this party for a week now. My best friend lives here. And I’m not jealous, I’m just sick of being left behind all the time. All you do is hang out with Nash like everyday! You know, we haven’t even been on a date in a month.” I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

     Again, Cameron didn’t have anything to say. He looked defeated. “Let’s get you girls home, okay? I’ll grab Nash and we can go home.” He said. “Fine.” I said and started to walk out the door and to my car. “I thought Cam was going to take us home.” She said. “They don’t need to take us home. I’ll take you home. That is, if you want to go home.” I said. “Can I crash at your place?” She asked. “Of course.” And with that, we drove off with victory. And what do you know, Cam and Nash came home not too long after that with better attitudes than when they left. Cam eventually apologized and we went on a date the next day.

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