No More Abuse

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 I could hear him yelling. I don’t know if he purposely tried to embarrass her or if he really didn’t realize how loud he was yelling. Either way, it was disturbing. And they did this all the time. He was always so clingy to her and you could tell it made her uncomfortable. He had to be every place with her, in every picture, at every event, in every room and in every conversation. The only time she got away was during meet and greets when he sat off to the side and watched.

     ”You can’t slap me!” I heard him shout. “Watch me!” I heard her scream back, obviously through gritted teeth. “I swear to God, if you slap me…” and then I heard a slap. But I heard two. One louder than the other. And then I heard the door slam. I looked out of my peep hole and watched him walk down the hall, face red and fists clenched. As soon as I saw him gone, I ran to the room next door and opened the door. She was sitting on the bed, face in her hands.

     She looked up and looked surprised to see me. “Are you okay?” I asked, shutting the door and walking over to her. “Huh? Yeah, I’m fine.” She said, acting like nothing ever happened. “Why is the side of your face red?” I asked skeptically. “Oh, we were doing smack cams and he got me good.” She said. “Then why are you crying?” I asked. “I was just laughing really hard.” She answered quickly. “Uh-huh.” I said bluntly. She burst into tears and I hugged her hard as she bunched up the back of my shirt.

     ”Why don’t you break up with him?” I asked softly, bending down. “Because I love him.” She sobbed.  ”Yeah, but he doesn’t love you.” I said. “How could you even dare to say that?” She asked, gritting her teeth. “Do you really think that someone who loves you would hit you and yell at you and push you around like you’re some kind of piece of dust?” I asked, holding onto her arms. “Yeah but-” she started. “But nothing! You don’t know what love is! That isn’t love. And if you don’t break up with him then I will.” I said. She shook her head. “I can’t do that.” She said. “Then I will.” I said and started walking towards the door. 

     ”Cameron, no.” She said sternly, walking behind me. Just as I opened the door, she pulled my arm. “Cameron, I said no!” She said. She started crying again. “I’m not going to let this go any longer.” I said, starting to turn away. “Cameron, please!” She pleaded, starting to cry again. The other boys had started to make their way down the hall to see what was going on. “Please.” She whispered. “Listen, you’re a part of this family, and family is going to stick up for each other. I’m not going to listen to you guys argue or watch him treat you like his property anymore! I’m done with it, and so are you!” I said. She looked at me with her tear-stained face. 

     ”What’s going on?” Taylor asked hesitantly. I took one last look at her. “Taylor come with me.” I said, pushing past the other boys and leading Taylor downstairs. I heard her scream and slam the door and then whispering from the other guys. I explained to Taylor everything that had happened and let’s just say we took care of everything and she didn’t have to worry anymore.

Cameron Dallas ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ