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Scott is a good boy, let's get that outta the way already.

You were sitting in the library catching up on some reading. Nah, in reality you were gawking at your loving boyfriend from the library window. He was currently playing a game of catch with some other guys you didn't know, but he was super into it and seemed happy. You smiled and watched him for a while before he looked up and saw you. Scott being Scott he waved enthusiastically and you gave a little wave back. You smiled and left your spot at the window and walked out of the library. You headed towards the field outside to see the loving werewolf.

You walked out the big doors of the gym and onto the football field and waved at Scott, he gave a huge smile and waved back. He ran over to you, he was in his pe clothes and sweating up a storm. "Heya babe, did you see how awesome I was, I got the ball like the best boy!!" He smiled and was so happy you just giggled and agreed, "Yes Scott, you were the best boy out here." This made the werewolf pick you up in a huge bear hug and nuzzle your neck. You laughed at his sudden affection, which wasn't a shock to you. Scott is a very affectionate person, so you're used to hugs and hand holding all the time. "Scott, you're covered in sweat stop" you tried to push him off of you but he just hugged you tighter. "Oh come on, you love me. Even if I'm super sweaty!" This was what you loved about Scott, he was super loving and caring. He can always make you laugh, if you have a bad day he just lays his head in your lap and gives you puppy eyes till you either laugh or throw a ball and then laugh. There were other ways of course but they mainly focused on him being big and soft and sweet. A teddy bear basically.
Anyway back to the now.
You and Scott played catch, well more so fetch, for a while until the lunch bell rang and you two left for the lunch room. As normal you and Scott sat together, today you were joined by Liam and Damien who, as always, were arguing  about something stupid. You leaned over to Scott, "How much do you want to bet that Liam says 'mainstream' 6 times in next 2 sentences?" Scott pondered this for a moment, "I'll bet my lunch on it." You and Scott watched amused as the two argued, you lost the bet Liam said mainstream 4 times. You didn't care though, you're part was you had to give Scott a kiss, so win-win.

After the school day was done Scott walked you home but stopped you at your door, "(Y/N), you know I love you right? Cause I do, I love you so so much. It's kinda crazy. Like I'd give up my favorite ball, just because I love you." You giggled at this and kissed his nose, "I love you too Scott, and you don't have to give up your ball." This made his eyes light up, he smiled and gave you a sweet peck on the lips and said his goodbye and went home. He was the best for you and you both knew it.

That was cute huh, like really that was cute

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