Oz x Harpy!Reader

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Oz x Reader where the reader is a harpy and has trouble holding things because of their arms/wings and Oz helps them whenever he can. Plus, big feathery arms = big feathery hugs. I need that Oz fluff. ~ requested by HoodieCladFiasco

And Oz fluff, or should I say feathery delight, you shall get ❤️
Word count- 532 words

You know what I've never understood. Why have feathers if I can't do anything useful with them? I mean I almost have enough to barely get myself off the ground but for like, 2 seconds at a time. That and I can't carry everything I need to at the same time. Feathers totally don't rule. However there is one person who I know loves them, my dear partner Oz, he loves how soft they are and how pretty they look. Anywho, today is a new day. Something a wise, and drunk ghost once told me at 2 in the morning. I sigh and look at my bag. My number one buddy, always full of stuff I need for school. Notebooks, a Polaroid camera and film for it, weird black plastic baggy that Polly gave me that I'm too scared to touch, and snacks for Scott, Vicky and Damien. Then next to it my worst enemy, stuff I have to have. My school books. Now you may be thinking, 'school books? What's so bad about those?'. Well for one, my arms are mostly feathers so it's hard to carry things that have a normal weight to them, but these demon books? They're like cement. [lowkey ranting about my bio book last semester] So, you could say I struggle a lot. I perk up a little when I hear a slight knock and my front door open, "(Y/N)? We're gonna be late we should go." I smiled as I heard Oz and his cute quiet voice, "Be down in a second!" I called down to him, before putting on some clean looking clothes and throwing my bag over my shoulder. Then came the books, I sighed and picked them up. Now imagine this, a small and weak chicken trying to put up 3 goats. Every time I think I've got something it slips through my feathers and on the ground. Or that one time Liam's phone slipped through them and landed in the ocean. Bad Day. Oz must've heard my struggles and books hitting the floor so he came into my room, "Are you okay?" He looked a bit scared for a second thinking I had died but then laughed at bit at the sight before him. I was standing with my legs spread and back arched backwards so I could hold the books to my chest and stomach and not drop them. I looked at Oz, "Help me. Please." Oz walked over and took all three books out of my arms and looked at me, one eyebrow raised. "Ready now?", I nodded and hugged Oz smiling at him, "You're the best ever." He chuckled, "That's a bit of a stretch but if you say so." We kept laughing and talking about my sad attempt this morning on the way to school. Today was a good day

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