[Chapter 5]

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The door creaked slightly as Max opened it, flinching at the sound. He knew his dad was home as his rather large car was parked on the path outside and he could already hear the TV, presumably playing some sort of movie or show, in the living room. Max took a deep breath as he closed the door behind him a locked. While doing so he prayed that his dad didn't hear the noises of the door creaking once again and the keys jangling and locking the door with a click. His silent prayers didn't work.

The noises from the living room stopped and Max heard his father stand up from the old couch. His footsteps were heard against the floor just before he looked around the corner. Max's father didn't look much like him as he had paler skin and darkly coloured eyes but he still had very messy dark hair like him. For work he dressed smartly but by the looks of things he had been home for a while as he was in his usual, scruffy shirt and pants. "Where were you?" He asked coldly.

Max didn't meet his gaze as he responded. "At school." He replied plainly.

His father stepped closer and grabbed his chin, forcing his blue-green eyes to look directly at him. Max flinched but didn't pull away. "Doing what exactly?!" He asked loudly, breath stinking of alcohol.

Max squinted as he spoke again. "A-At a b-basketball game... a f-friend was playing!" He stuttered, trying to pull away. His father let go of him for a second before hitting him hard across the cheek, the contact left a burning feeling on his face.

"Stupid excuse! You should be back sooner!" He shouted, grabbing Max's hoodie collar and pulling him up. "I'm hungry so your disgraceful ass better go make something or you'll have more marks to remind you how to behave!" He ordered before throwing him against the wall and leaving.

Max grunted as he hit the wall, clutching his face. This usually happened. He knew he should get help but the anxiety of what could happen stopped him, despite how much it hurt and how it affected him. Once his father went back to watching whatever he was watching Max got up, stretching himself out, before walking to the kitchen and opening the fridge. Not much was in there apart from some mac & cheese so he just got some of it out and put it in a pan, cooking it as quickly as possible. Once he was done he put the majority of it in a bowl, leaving a small portion for him, and walked to his father. "Here..." he gave it to him and went to leave.

"Maxwell if you even think about leaving this room before I'm done-"

"I have homework!" Max snapped back. "I'd rather not have my third homework detention this week-"

"What did we say about talking back!" His father shouted, putting the bowl to the side and standing up. "You never fucking learn!" He shouted as he slapped him again.

Max hissed in pain and tried to back away but was met with a knee to the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground.

"What do you say?! WHAT DO YOU FUCKING SAY!?" His father yelled loudly, stepping on his side so Max couldn't move.

Max squirmed around, trying to spit out the words but found it hard to breathe because of his fathers foot. "S-Sorry..." He panted, coughing a bit.


"I'm s-sorry!" Max shouted as loud as possible, gasping in relief as the pressure on his side was lifted off. He took a while to regain his breath before sitting up. Tears formed in the corners of his fear struck eyes. Those last words repeated in his brain as he slowly stood up, using the cold wall behind him as support, and stared at his father while waiting to be excused. God sometimes he wished he could just end it all. Death seemed nice to be honest, a black void of nothingness where he would be free from this hell. It wasn't like anyone would care.

Eventually he managed to escape his father and by the time that he did it was 7pm. He limped up to his room and flopped onto his bed, staring blankly at the dark blue wall and shedding a couple of salty tears. He hated showing he was weak but in times like this he couldn't help but do so. He wondered if things would've been different if he hadn't had stayed at the game, he would've still been hurt but hopefully not as much.

A buzzing sound made him lift his head and look over at his school bag, he guessed Nikki and Neil were having a conversation. He didn't want to chat but at the same time he needed a distraction from this hell so he leant over to grab his phone. Surprisingly it neither of them.

TheatreNerd: hey Max, wyd?
PepsiMax: dying, what about you?
TheatreNerd: oh wow same. My mom just found one of the clothes that Nerris gave me 😕
PepsiMax: your joking
TheatreNerd: I am not! Honestly Max is that how little you trust me??
TheatreNerd: also *you're
PepsiMax: fuck off
PepsiMax: fr tho is everything okay? what did she say?
TheatreNerd: well I lied and said it was for drama club and think she believed me? She did say some pretty transphobic stuff 😓
PepsiMax: shit pres, sorry that happened
TheatreNerd: don't worry about it, I'm not hurt in anyway. What about your dad, did anything happen?
TheatreNerd: Max come on don't leave me on read!
TheatreNerd: Max stop! Did something happen? Please tell me!!
TheatreNerd: Max?? You still there??

Max put his phone down as he heard his dad walking around upstairs, he prayed he was just going in the shower and not going to yell at him again. Luckily he was right as he heard the sound of water running.

PepsiMax: sorry I had to do something
TheatreNerd: thank goodness I thought something had happened!! Seriously is everything okay with you and your dad, any incidents?
PepsiMax: nah nothing today


TheatreNerd: well that's good! I need to do some homework, if not I'll be dead before tomorrow so see ya! Ttyl xx
PepsiMax: hah same, bye

Max couldn't help but blush at the two small kisses left on Preston's text. Shit. Max didn't want to gain any feelings for Preston as he knew his dad was homophobic, actually he was probably everything-phobic. Plus, Max wasn't even gay.

For now
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Hahahhahaha angst for the soul

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