[Chapter 6]

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TW: mild transphobia and dysphoria

As soon as Preston put his phone down after sending that text he blushed. Why out of all emojis, symbols and words to end a text why that one? He guessed he was used to doing it with his mom but why Max! He groaned and rolled over on his bed so he could let out a quiet, muffled scream. God he was a fuck up.

Once he managed to calm himself down he lifted his head and his hazel, almost orange, looked towards the history book on his desk. Maybe he should stop screaming about dumb mistakes and just get on with what made him send that text. After all, if he didn't he'd be in big trouble since his mom would kill him. She was strict when it came to his education, always telling him it was important which was true but she took those words to a next level. Preston got up and walked towards his small desk, pulling a pen out of his drawer and reading over the task he wrote down in his journal. He just had to finish his assessment. Easy!

Around 30 minutes of focused writing with his musical playlist playing on the speakers in the background passed, slowly Preston started to lose his concentration as he kept fiddling and looking out of his rather large window. He had written 5 paragraphs when he was supposed to do 8, he'd done pretty well in such a short space of time but of course the next few paragraphs would be difficult since he had no clue what else to comment on about the causes of World War One. God he wished it was about the Founding Fathers or the war leading up to America's independence. His knowledge from Hamilton would've helped a lot.

He stopped twiddling his thumbs and doing dumb tricks with his pen when he heard a knock at his door, causing him to drop his pen and almost fall backwards in his chair. "SSSSSSUGAR- Come in!!" He called over, trying to not swear. He'd be stabbed in the back multiple times if he did.

The door opened and his mom walked in, a small smile on her face. "Hello Preston, are you doing your homework?" She asked as she approached him, appearing to be hiding something behind her back.

Preston picked up his pen as he turned towards her. "Yes I am, what do you have behind your back?" He asked, leaning over to turn BMC down. "Is it a gift for your favourite son~?"

His mom chuckled slightly. "Well yes it is!" She pulled out a mustard yellow Adidas shirt from behind her back. "When you told me about how you were needing girl clothes for a drama production I searched through my drawers to see what I had! This is all but I'm sure it's fine with you?" She explained.

Preston gasped, taking the shirt from her hands and unfolding it. She did believe him when he lied about how those clothes were actually for him. "Oh my goodness it's beautiful! I can't wait to put it on!!!" He said overly excitedly, not realising what he said until he saw his mothers rather shocked face. "Oh I-I uh... I meant put it on the girls who are wearing these clothes!" He corrected himself quickly. Shit.

"So that crop top I found earlier does belong to you? Preston I thought-"

"N-No it doesn't I just made a mistake! I promise I'm not lying!" He cut her off. "Sorry about c-cutting you off but... the thought of you accusing me, again, for owning girls clothes for myself is awful!" Preston awkwardly rubbed his shoulder.

A unpleased look was on his moms face. "Firstly, interrupting me half way through a sentence is rude and disrespectful and secondly I hope you aren't thinking of becoming trans." She told him sternly, taking away the shirt.

Preston wanted to grab hold of the shirt and not let go but he couldn't bring himself to. "I-I'm not becoming trans! Why c-can't you just believe me!?" He asked loudly. He knew raising his voice, in a mad way, was a bad thing to do around his mom but he was starting to get stressed.

"You're stuttering." She told him. As usual, she picked out the small details that usually meant nothing.

"I'm not becoming trans!" Preston yelled. "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to have a shower!" He told her, standing up and stomping out of his room. Once he was in the bathroom he locked the door behind him and sighed. He wasn't sure if he regretted doing that or not. Yelling for negative reasons was one of the things his mom hated but he couldn't help it, she was putting pressure on him to expose the true reason for his clothes and that he was questioning his gender!

Preston eventually calmed down and took off his shirt and pants, pausing to take off his boxers while he looked at himself in the mirror. God he wondered what it would be like to have girl parts. It wasn't like they'd look amazing on his rather skinny body but just the thought of having a larger bust and different lower parts just seemed so much nicer to him but at the same time he knew it was probably harder to deal with because of periods and stuff like that.

After around five minutes of just staring at himself in the mirror, longing for a different body, he finished getting undressed and got in the shower. The feeling of warm water on his face seemed to wash away all his stress and negative feelings. It would be a difficult journey to deciding who he was but he was willing to face it.

- - -

Preston laid in bed, the only light now in the room was from his phone. Since what had happened earlier his mom hadn't been seen upstairs so he assumed she was trying to avoid him which was definitely a good thing since he was expecting another argument to start. He sighed as he scrolled through his Instagram feed, liking pictures posted by people from school and the multiple musical fan accounts he followed. It was around 11pm and he was tired. Usually he fell asleep at around 1am-2am but he guessed the stress had made him more tired than usual.

He soon wondered if Max had an Instagram? Preston already followed Neil and he assumed that if Max did have one Neil would be following him. Sure enough he was right but it was a private account. Dammit. Preston wasn't sure if he should follow or not but he couldn't help but press follow, internally praying that Max accept his request.

It didn't take long for him accept and Preston grinned, pressing his profile and looking over his photos. The majority of them were pictures of rather depressing stuff and the occasional shit post, not surprising, but after a while of scrolling he saw a photo that made a dark blush form on his face.

It was a picture from a few weeks ago where Max stood in front of his mirror shirtless, the caption reading:

nikki dared me to post this so if you throw up blame her.

Throw up? Preston assumed Max meant it in a bad way but Preston wasn't throwing up at all. He was hot. Max was kinda skinny, maybe a little bit less than him, but the colour of his skin was so beautiful. He even appeared to have a scar or slowly healing cut on his side, yes it was sad as Preston knew the possible cause but it showed his strength. Preston saved the photo for the sake of him always wanting to see it before turning his phone off and laying it on his bedside.

He swore he was becoming gayer each time he saw or spoke to Max.
- - - - -
WhOOps x 100

ALSO I just wanna say a quick thank you to all your kind words!!>//<
Being an aspiring author and hearing such compliments really boost my confidence and make me smile

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