The Good and Bad Girl Plan 6

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Petals slowly swayed against the breeze, delicately falling by the girl's feet. She plucked another petal.

"He likes me ... he likes me not ... he likes me - "

The last petal was plucked and the girl's eyes followed it as it softly landed on her feet.

"He likes me not."


Anne's eyes opened wide upon hearing Isabel's words. She took another step back, and stared at Bruce with pure surprise. Her face felt taught, her brows pulling her skin upwards while her mouth stretched it back down.

He seemed as surprised as she was too, but quickly, as always, composed himself and he returned to his original expression; devoid of emotion. He crossed his arms over his broad chest and glanced down calmly at Isabel who was still perched against his left shoulder.

Anne realized then how tall Isabel really was. Bruce loomed over her, she barely reached his shoulders while Isabel was just a couple of inches shorter than him, of course with heels on. But still.

Right now, her sister looked so different. With her crazy hair all over the place, yet in a sexy way, her eyes glazed over. Her stance and outfit making her seem like a model. Anne saw as Isabel tilted her head back and gave out a startled laugh. She saw her blonde curls bounce in rhythm with her laughter and Anne stared at her sister for a moment.

She just looked so ...happy.


Relaxed, as if she didn't have a care in the world.

This wasn't the Isabel she knew. Something had changed. And Anne felt her own lips tug upwards. How ironic. She was the one sober and trying to get her sister home safe. Just a couple of days ago, Isabel had been the one sober and Anne the drunk one.

"I see you've found your sister," Bruce said, bringing Anne back to reality and away from her thoughts. Bruce glanced at the liquor bottle Sandy had hidden behind her back and the one resting under Anne's arm. "And may I ask why do you contain alcohol?"

Shit. Anne wasn't legal to drink, yet. She was just nineteen - twenty, well in two months. And in the situation she was in wasn't good. Isabel was drunk and she was a minor. And to top it off, Sandy and Anne had alcohol with them.

Bruce didn't look happy. Not. At. All.

Anne bit her lip and glanced down to his belt to see his badge tuck safely there. He was working. She quickly glanced back up to see him staring her warily, waiting for her to say something. He was in full working mode.

The Bruce she had been with earlier was gone. He was Detective Redford now. But why was he here exactly? Busting teenagers and underage drinking wasn't what he was responsible for.

"Um," Anne glanced around the group, her eyes wide open, pleading for them to help her. Isabel simply giggled and shook her head. Devlin had his hands stuffed in his pockets and looked way, too calm which made Anne groaned out in frustration and Sandy looked back at her with innocent eyes.

"Hey guys!" Someone yelled. Anne, startled, looked passed Sandy's shoulder to see Steve walking toward them. He gave a dramatic salute to Bruce. "Hello, sir. Is there a problem here?"

Before Bruce could answer, someone called out his last name. Anne saw a pretty redhead jogging toward him. Her hair, which was pulled up, swung from side to side. Her cheeks had a light blush to them from her running. She ignored all of them and simply gazed up at Bruce.

Something stirred inside Anne and it took her a couple of seconds to realize it was jealousy. Who the hell was she? Anne saw the redhead whisper something to Bruce. He listened intently before nodding. He glanced at the rest of them for a moment, his gaze lingering on Anne and at Steve's arm that was wrapped loosely around her neck, before walking away without another word.

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