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Gerard felt all of the air leave his lungs as he gazed into the pair of eyes that made his insides turn to mush. It was like everything around them disintegrated into nothing, and they were the only two people in the entire world. It didn't even feel like they were at the marketplace - it felt like the night of the ball, once they had danced away from the crowd. They were alone, nothing else mattered.

"Oh, my god." Gerard spoke softly, feeling more tears begin to well up in his eyes, except these were happy tears. He absentmindedly dropped the wicker basket he held, raising both of his hands to cover his mouth. 

The stranger - which he now knew to be his Prince - smiled at him, and Gerard watched his body visibly relax. "Nice to see you again, baby," The Prince spoke, making Gerard begin to shake, adrenaline being pumped into his veins, "How've you been?"

A smile crawled onto Gerard's lips, and he let a breathless laugh escape his throat. "Not so good, but it's so much better now that you're here."

The Prince smiled widely at Gerard, making Gerard genuinely smile for, most likely, the first time that day.

"Am I...missing something?" Lindsey spoke, and it was then that Gerard realized that he was still stood in front of her stall, no doubt bringing attention to himself and his Prince, since they were just standing there, not bothering with any produce.

"Oh, Linds, I am so sorry," Gerard spoke quickly, managing to tear his eyes away from his masterpiece of a man, looking at his obviously confused friend. "Is there anyway that, um..." Gerard looked to his Prince, his eyes pleading for some assistance.

"Frank." Spoke the Prince, and Gerard felt his heart swell.

Frank. It was a simple name, yet one that strangely suited the Prince. It made Gerard smile to himself, and he blushed as the Prince - Frank, winked at him, making his heart skip a beat.

"A-As I was saying," Gerard spoke again, trying to contain his giddiness, "Is there anyway that Frank and I could catch up in peace?"

"Well," Lindsey sighed, scratching her chin as she thought, "Maybe the two of you could head over to my cabin and talk if you need to. It's private, not too far from here, surrounded by my orchards and gardens. I'm sure no one'll bother ya." She smiled at her friend, sending a friendly wink to Frank.

Gerard beamed at her, reaching across the stall and wrapped his arms around her neck, bringing her in for a tight hug. "Thank you so much, I owe you one!" He laughed, pulling away and smiling widely as his eyes danced over her face.

"Ah, don't worry about it. I just want all the details...and a little insight as to why you're wearing make up," She spoke in a hushed voice, making Gerard's stomach drop into his toes. "But that's all for another time." She smiled again, nodding over to Frank. "You two get going, now, make sure to use protection." Lindsey spoke, winking at the two men before handing Gerard a small silver key, and shooing him away.

Gerard smiled in thanks, and Frank nodded his head in appreciation, both men turning and walking in the direction Lindsey pointed in, remembering the few directions she gave as they embarked upon the short journey to Lindsey's home. Lindsey smiled at the sight of the two men walking away to do God knows what, and couldn't help but wonder how they knew each other. She walked around the front of the stall to pick up the wicker basket Gerard had dropped as soon as he laid eyes on Frank, and she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt when she remembered being able to see the powdery substance on his face.


"You really had no idea what my name was, did you?" Frank asked Gerard as they walked down a small dirt path away from the marketplace, a small wooden house becoming visible in the distance.

Gerard laughed a bit, shaking his head. "I was kind of preoccupied with other things, if I'm being honest." He spoke, glancing over at Frank before looking forward again, feeling the silver key fisted in his left hand, his other tucking some hair behind his right ear.

"Oh, yeah?" Frank spoke, a suggestive tone in his voice as he wrapped an arm around Gerard's waist, making the other man giggle and lean into the touch. "What exactly were you preoccupied with?"

Gerard bit his lip as he felt Frank's warm breath on his neck, followed by a pair of lip being softly placed against his neck, causing chills to radiate down his spine. He inhaled shakily as they continued walking towards the cabin, feeling like it was all a dream. 

Once they approached the house, Gerard felt Frank's arm leave his waist as he put the key into the hole on the door, twisting it and hearing the lock disengage. Gerard gripped the handle and pushed the door open, pulling the key from the lock. He smiled at the homey feel of the place, taking in the small couch in the front room with some yarn and a half finished scarf, strategically placed in front of an unlit fireplace. To the left, through a little walkway was a small kitchen area, seeing a stove and a small counter with some apples on it, most likely fresh-picked from this morning. There was a small hallway with a door or two, most likely leading to a bedroom or a pantry.

Gerard walked further into the house, listening as Frank closed the front door behind them. Gerard inhaled, smiling at the warming scent of vanilla mixed with faint citrus. "Yep, this is definitely Lindsey's place." He laughed to himself, letting the homey feeling envelop him, making him feel relaxed for the first time that day.

Frank began to follow, but decided against it, worried that Gerard would get the wrong idea. Instead, he turned, going over and sitting on the couch. His heart was like a hammer in his chest; Frank was nervous that this was all a little too good to be true. He had managed to leave the palace under the rouse that he was off to find the fair maiden that managed to slip away from him at the ball. His father had had a look of triumph and excitement in his eye, and had readily agreed to let his son search for this, so called "woman".

He had managed to escape the constant hovering of the palace guard his father had sent out to watch him, which was when he booked it to the produce stall. As soon as Frank was close enough, he had called out to Lindsey, asking if she had seen a man around, describing Gerard in a way Leonardo Da Vinci would describe his most prized piece of artwork. Frank pleaded with her, asking for any information on the beautiful specimen of man he couldn't get out of his mind, and it was just his luck that the fine piece of artwork happened to approach the stall right then.

Seeing his baby - Gerard, he had found out when Lindsey had called back to him - seeing him after so long, without the unflattering guise of a woman, it made a flower blossom in Frank's chest. The feelings that flooded his being when he first laid eyes on the man, the spark of emotion from when their skin first brushed against one another, they all came back once he saw Gerard in front of him, the look of recognition written across his face, the disbelief shining in his eyes.

Frank hadn't felt any form of attraction that was this strong with anyone, not even Ryan, wherever he was. Gerard was special. Gerard was his, he could feel it, and he'd be damned if anyone would stand between them.

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