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hey guys! welcome to chapter two! i'm so glad you made it this far and i thank you for reading still! anyways, please vote for this chapter once you get to the end! also, i think i forgot to mention that this whole story will be on Sophia's point of view, unless it's another characters pov!! so let's get going, grab your wine, tea, soda, cookies, any sweets and get reading!

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I looked up and saw Calum walking away from me. "Wh-where are you going?" I shouted, Michael turned to me and said, "He's going to get Emily and Luke. They're gonna take you home, you're too drunk." I slapped him in the arm and said, "I am NOT drunk, Michael. If I can pronununnunce your name correctly, then I'm not drunk." "You can't even pronounce the word 'pronounce' Sophia, you're totally drunk."

I saw Emily and Luke walk over to me and stood in front of me. ""Sophia, are you ready to go home now?" Emily asked. I saw looked up at them and started crying, softly. I nodded my head and both of them picked me up. "Let's go." She said. Luke carried me, bridal style out to the car. "I don't want to leave, Luke. Please don't let me leave. I need to stay."

"Soph, you need to leave. This isn't a good place for you." "You don't know what's good for me." "I know one thing that's not good for you." "Oh yeah, what's that?" "Knowing the fact that Calum is married." When he said that, it actually sobered me up and brought me back into reality for a few minutes. He's right, knowing that Calum is married did hurt me. It hurt to know that my best friend will never be the same again.

The late night dinners we would have, he wouldn't be able to come over. Whenever he does, he would bring Katie with him. Us hanging out with the boys and Emily, he wouldn't sit next to me. He'll sit next to Katie. Having late night conversations where I would cry to him, it would have to be in the mornings. He would be in bed...sleeping next to Katie and not answering me. It hit me hard.

I started crying into Luke's shoulder as he was still carrying me. "What am I supposed to do? I just lost the love of my life, Luke." "I know sweetie, but you'll just have to somehow get over it. We're always here for you whenever you need us so don't ever think that you're alone in this situation." He opened up the car door and put me down. I scooted over as Emily sat next to me. She looked at me and said, "Hey hun."

I looked at her and started sobbing. "I'm so sorry that we left the party early. I know you guys probably hate me right now but I'm terribly sorry." "Don't apologize." The two said in unison. Luke was driving while Em and I sat in the back seat. "Please don't think you ruined the party." Just then, I got a notification from Calum saying that he posted to his insta story. I opened it up and said a picture.

Someone else took the picture but it was of him and Katie on the dance floor, holding each other close and kissing. "AHHHHHH-AH-AH!!!!" I bursted out crying. "HE P-POSTED A P-PICTURE OF HIM AND K-KATIE KISSING!!!" I laid back in my seat and felt the tears rolling down my face. "What did he post it on? Instagram?" I looked at her and said, "WHY D-DOES THAT MATTER! HE'S S-SO HAPPILY IN LOVE--"

And it's all because of me. If I hadn't introduced Katie to Calum, they wouldn't have gotten together..I could've had a chance with him. A few minutes felt like a few hours until we got to the house. It was technically Luke and Emily's apartment but I was living because I was attending the wedding. "I have to leave tomorrow." "You don't have to." She said. "You can stay here." "No, I have to back to fucking Australia and leave here with a broken heart!"

I walked into the apartment and said, "I have to leave this wonderful place with a broken face, broken heart, and broken...everything." "You don't have to go back to Aus. Just tell your mum that you'll be staying here for an extra two to three weeks or so." Luke said. I hugged him, "That's a good plan." I flopped onto the foldable chairs that they had and just thought out loud.

"If I don't leave, then that means that I'm leaving Mocha and Hydi behind." Mocha is my little Pomeranian and Hydi is my little baby bengal kitten. My mum would have to take care of them for a few weeks if I do decide to stay. "Do you guys mind if I bring over my pets?" They looked at each other and looked back at me. "Well, the apartments really don't allow pets. It's their number one rule, Soph."

When Emily told me that, my heart broke again. "This is a hard decision." "Well, maybe if you got some would make a better decision once you wake up." "You're right." I took my phone and my purse and walked into the guest bedroom. It's uncommon to hear an apartment have a "guest bedroom" but it's a good thing that they have one. "EMILY!" I shouted. "MAKEUP REMOVER?" She shouted back.

I looked back outside and said, "You know me." We both laughed. Emily walked into her bathroom and Luke followed after. I stopped him and said, "Treat her right, Lucas. I don't want her ending up like me." "Don't worry, I got her." I'm very protective of my friend and don't want anything bad happening to her. I know she's had some trouble in the past and I feel like Luke is the right one for her.

She came out with a lot of bottles and cotton swabs and cotton balls. "Have however many you want, it doesn't matter!" "Thanks Em, you know how tired I am so I really appreciate you doing this." "Aw, don't get all sappy because then I'm gonna start crying." "NO MORE TEARS!" I shouted. We both laughed again and she walked off into her room. "GOODNIGHT!" They both shouted. "NIGHT!" I shouted back.

What the hell am I going to do? I thought to myself.


What do you guys think Sophia is going to do? Will she go back to her pets in Australia or stay with Luke and Emily?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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