Hidden Strength

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Hidden Strength

She quietly whispers, "I love you,"
As she kisses them on their heads.
She listens to their evening prayers
And then tucks them in their beds.

"One more story," says the smallest.
"It's getting late," her mother would say.
"Now close your eyes and go to sleep,
For tomorrow's another day."

She's done the best she can,
Raising four children alone.
They've always had plenty to eat
And a place to call their home.

But still she pauses to wonder
How happy they could have been
If her husband wouldn't have cheated
And then walked out on them.

Only in her loneliest moments
Does she think about the past.
A marriage without commitment
Was destined not to last.

She never thought she could make it
Without her husband by her side.
Her wounds have opened a whole new world
To show what's hidden inside.

She no longer cries herself to sleep,
And the nights don't seem so long.
Sometimes it takes a tragedy
To make a person strong.

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Thanks so much for reading!!

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Always, Eileen.

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