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          The team of 4 hopped onto Leah the Dragon and flew to Greenhorne. Nixon Dixon hoped that they would encounter Frog King Lemon and Frog Queen Pear because defeating them would surely impress Poopy Nene. Leah the Dragon landed in Greenhorne, to see J-Hope panic! at the Nicki Minaj. "JFOMG! GUYS PLEASE HELP ME! TOADGLASSE SNITCHBITCH KIDNAPPED MY GIRLFRIEND, NICKI MINAJ!" J-Hope yelled. "ToadGlasse must of took her to Frog King Lemon and Frog Queen Pear!" Patrick Stump said. "We're -" RM started to say but was cut off by Nixon Dixon. Trying to look heroic, Nixon Dixon exclaimed, "WE'RE HERE TO SAVE YOU NICKI MINAJ!" Then, the battle commenced. The first opponent was ToadGlasse.

          Poopy Nene began to cook food for herself to eat. Just then, ToadGlasse used his "Horizontal Bobblehead hypnotize" move that hypnotized Poopy Nene and put her to sleep. This made Nixon Dixon very angry, and he protected her with a Forest Barrier. RM shook up his flask (a big test tube thing) and sprayed unstabled formulas onto ToadGlasse. Patrick raised up his wand and struck ToadGlasse with lightning. This made ToadGlasse extremely angry, and his head began to bobble horizontally faster than the human eye could see. Poopy Nene was still asleep, but Nixon Dixon kept protecting her with the Forest Barrier. ToadGlasse's head bobbing was so fast, that it made Patrick and RM sick to their stomachs. Nixon Dixon hit ToadGlasse with a Dancing Arrow, which made ToadGlasse start dancing like a rotten lemon on pearoids. Poopy Nene finally woke up from the spell and cooked herself a meal, not even bothering to acknowledge her weak teammates. Once she was done eating, she hit ToadGlasse with her flaming cast iron pan. His horizontal head bobble has calmed down. Poopy Nene finally noticed RM and Patrick are in need for help. She cooked Patrick a regular meal to heal him, but she put something into RM's food that was a love potion she asked Vag JJ to steal from Lemon. Lemon used it to make Pear and ToadGlasse fall in-love with him. After all, that was the only way anyone could love someone as disgusting as Lemon. Patrick finished off ToadGlasse with "Giga Explosion" and ToadGlasse was laying there, defeated, with only his head bobbing horizontally.

          The monster hunters happily congratulated each other with lots of kinky four way dancing (cheek to cheek). Suddenly, RM began having strange thoughts about Poopy Nene. I never realized how much I love how all she does while fighting monsters is eat. I used to be annoyed by it, but now it's BTSEXY. Poopy Nene noticed the way RM was looking at her and was delighted that her love potion worked. However, she was not the only one who noticed RM's loving stare. Nixon Dixon saw RM staring and became really elfing furious. I must amp up my fighting skills or else nightcore RM will steal Poopy Nene's kinky heart. The next opponents were Frog King Lemon and Frog Queen Pear. JFYESSSS! Nixon Dixon thought, Now I can show off my new skills and really impress Poopy Nene.

           "MUAHAHAHAHA *SNORT* YOU CANNOT DEFEAT US!" Frog Queen Pear snorted. "HEHAW, WHAT SHE SAID." Frog King Lemon said lamely (because he is too nightcore to come up with his own insults). Patrick struck both of them with Giga Lightning, which made Frog Queen Pear snort loudly from the pain. Poopy Nene began cooking herself more food to eat. RM looked over at her and was just in the moment of JFlove. RM tried to hit Frog King Lemon with a black hole, but it missed. Nixon Dixon thought, Haha, now Poopy Nene will definitely be impressed by my skills because I never miss my target. Frog Queen Pear did a "Snort Hurricane" move and weakened the team.

          All of a sudden, Vag JJ, Jimin, JFK PRETTY, and Mr. Wets (the strongest team in the Kinky Force), chimed in to help. Mr. Wets sexily bit Patrick, RM, and Nixon Dixon to give them vampire powers, so they'll become a little stronger. Then, he just bit Poopy Nene. Jimin put a barrier around them to keep them safe. Vag JJ had a feeling that Poopy Nene used that love potion on RM, and she needed JFK PRETTY to put a "Calm" spell on RM to put him back to normal. Poopy Nene saw what was happening and became elfing infuriated. "JFNOOOOOO. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME VAG JJ!!" shouted Poopy Nene. Platunia chimed in to watch the drama and help ruin Poopy Nene's plans because she liked seeing creatures in pain. "STUMPED YO ASS!" shouted Platunia evilly. Brendon Urie chimed in with a "Haven't you people ever heard of closing a GODDAMN DOOR" when Mr. Wets and him are doing some weird Twilight romance. While everybody was distracted, Nixon Dixon shot multiple Dancing Arrows at both of the Frog rulers. While they were both dancing cheek to cheek, he finished them off with "Hail of Arrows" and defeated them both. They all heard one last snort from the Frog Queen Pear.

          Poopy Nene was impressed with Nixon Dixon's powerful fighting skills and realized she was still in love with him. However, Poopy Nene is a greedy Monhoe and still desired the beautifully kinky RM. RM had finally come out of his love induced haze, and Vag JJ explained to him how Poopy Nene had slipped him a love potion in his food. RM was extremely elfing pissed. He also admired Poopy Nene's desperation for his fake love. Just then, Jimin started singing, "RM'S SO SICK OF THIS FAKE LOVE, FAKE LOVE, FAKE LOVE!" and Vag JJ fangirl screamed as did Platunia. Nixon Dixon and Poopy Nene were officially back together, J-Hope got Nicki Minaj back, and RM eventually wrote the song "FAKE LOVE" for BTSEXY.

THE END :) *snort*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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RM x Nixon Dixon x Poopy Nene (MIITOPIA FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now