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I slowly fell asleep on his chest.
I woke up to someone hitting me with a pillow.
He laughed.
I took the pillow and hit him with it.
He laughed.
I stopped hitting him and caught my breath.
G: Breakfast is ready beautiful!
He smiled.
M: Good thing I'm hungry, or I would've continued hitting you.
G: Awe, you wouldn't!
M: But I would.
He rolled his eyes and lead me to the kitchen.
M: The one and only, Grayson Dolan can cook?
G: I'm full of surprises, baby.
He winks.
M: How can you be so cringe and cute at the same time? That was literally the most cringeworthy thing I have ever seen.
He laughed.
We ate and talked.
G: So I guess I'll take you back home.

Ugh. I completely forgot I had to go back home. I honestly didn't want to go back.
M: Do I have to?
G: At least grab some fresh clothes. I don't mind you staying here. I love the company.
He smiled and winked at me.
I clapped and smiled.
He laughed.
G: Well let's go.
We got up and went to the car.
I started to sing and dance on the way to the apartment.
We pulled up and I got out of the car.
I walked in and saw Emma and Carson laughing.
They stopped when they saw me.
C: Hey sis!
M: Hey!
C: Where did you go last night.
M: Oh! Grayson let me inside and I spent the night. We had so much fun.
C: Um...to much information..
I laughed.
M: No! I mean we had fun messing around. We had a laser tag game with Ethan. Then we watched a comedy movie, it was great.
C: Oh cool.
Emma gave me this cold stare.
E: So, what brings you here now?
M: For one its MY apartment, secondly I need clothes and other things.
E: Your leaving again?
M: Yep, just like how you did from your parents.
I smirked.
E: Looks like Grayson already got into you.
I walked upstairs and grabbed some clothes and other supplies.
I went downstairs.
M: Bye Carson!
C: Cya..
I walked out and went into the car.
G: How was it ?
M: Fine, where should we go now?
Grayson smirks at me.
He drives.
M: Where are we going?
G: You'll see!
I laughed.
We pulled up to a icecream shop and I smile at Gray.
He smiles.
He holds my hand and we walk up to the icecream shop.
We got icecream and took instagram photos and snapchats! It was so fun.
We went back home after.
M: It sucks how we have school tomorrow.
G: Who thinks about school on the weekend?
M: I do!
I said smiling.
-Next Day-
I woke up and got ready with Grayson.
G: Ready to go?
M: Yep!
We walk out the front door.
M: Wait where's Ethan?
G: He goes to school before everyone else does, I don't know why.
I nod in confusion.
We left and went to school.
We walked in and I noticed girls already gossiping.
Girl: Looks like Grayson has a new toy.
I ignore her comment.
Grayson walks me to my locker.
I unlocked it snd take out my books.
G: Want to meet after first period, I could walk you to second since we have that class together.
I nod and smile.
G: Okay cya.
M: Bye babe!
He smiles and walks off.
I grab my books and someone slammed my locker shut.
She smacks her gum in my face.
L: Look looser. Back of off Grayson! I had my eyes on him since the day he walked in this building.
He's mine. and its not fair that you just walk in the picture and take him!
She blows a bubble with her gum.
I smirked.
M: Well sorry to burst your bubble, but, if Grayson wanted you then, why did he ask me out?
I walked off as she gave me a gross look.

I felt so confident.
-Skip to After School-
I went on social media and I became super popular. Apparently when I stood up to Lindsey today, someone recorded it and put it on the school drama website.
I gained about 5k followers.
I was walking out the hallway and Lindsey walked up to me.
L: Hey girl!
I looked at her confused.
M: Yes?
L: Ugh, I was such a jerk to you! I'm sorry, can we start over?

I was never the type of person to hate someone forever. I guess I was going to forgive her. I mean, I have no friends now that Emma and I aren't cool anymore.

M: Uh, sure!
L: Okay! Cool so your def coming to the mall with me right?
M: Oh uh I was a-
L: Great! I'll pick you up at 6!
M: Oh- okay, sure?
She walks off and I meet up with Ethan and Grayson.
E: Grayson I'm telling you, I know how bad we both want it to be, tish is not a real word.
G: It is! I saw it in the dictionary.
M: Hey guys!
G: Hey babe.
E: What's up Madison.
M: Nothing, I'm going to the mall with Lindsey later.
G: Lindsey?
E: Like his ex-girlfriend Lindsey.
I nod.
They give me a shocking and confused look.
M: Were friends now and I need a new click now that Emma and I aren't friends.
G: Okay...
We continued talking while walking to the car.
I looked at Emma and she gave me a dirty look.
I raise my eyebrow and cross my arms at her. I give her a cold stare.
She rolls her eyes at me and turns her back to me.
I continue walking.
-Skip to the Mall-
L: You should totes let me give you a makeover!
M: Oh urm-

I didn't want to sound lame, plus I need to get that LA look.

M: Sure!
L: YAY! This is going to be great!
I smile awkwardly.
We went shopping and headed back to her house. Her house was literally gorgeous.
She did my makeup and my hair and I put on some of the new clothes she gave me.
L: Yes !
I walked out and looked in the mirror.
I gasped, I looked amazing.
M: I look-
L: Breathtaking, gorgeous, beautiful, hot, pretty?
M: No, I look- totes FAB !
L: OMG! YES! Selfie time!
I laughed and took a picture with her.
We both posted it and got alot of likes. It felt good.
- 1week later-
I'm super popular. Probably the most. Me and Emma still aren't friends but who needs her? Lindsey was my new BFF!
I walked with Lindsey.
L: OMG! Did you see James Charles new makeup video?
M: Yes, #slaying! His makeup is totes adorable!
L: Ttyl! I'm going to my locker, cya babes!
M: Bye girl!
We did our secret handshake.
I went to Grayson and Ethan.
I kissed Grayson on the cheek.
M: Hey babes!
G: Hey..where were you after practice? I was looking for you..
M: Oh! Oopsies! I went with Lindsey. She said she got face masks for us. Look at my skin its totes glowing!
G: Oh..
M: Sorry! I should've told you, but ttyl, I'm going to me locker.
G: Cya..
-End of P.O.V-
-Grayson's P.O.V-
Madison had been changing lately and I'm not feeling it.
She's been going to the mall alot, and she's been abbreviating every word and saying hashtag before every word. She says "OMG" like you only text that right? He style changed to. She went from croptop and jeans to croptops and mini skirts. She barely talks to me too. The only time she hugs and kisses me is when she's in front Emma or anyone she doesn't like. I'm fed up with it too. She's really starting to act like Lindsey. The reason why I dumped Lindsey was for those reasons. I don't know whats going on with Madison, but I'm starting to get tired of it.
- End of P.O.V-
-Lindsey's P.O.V-
I've been hanging out with Madison for a while. She's like a mini me, and I totes love it! Ugh, but she's like so annoying to hangout with. The only reason why I am is so Grayson can dump her. I mean the reason why we broke up was because of my behavior. So if she gets like me that means her and Gray are over with. Which means we can date again and I'm Miss Popular again!
-End of P.O.V-

Sunset Lover- Petit Biscuit
1472 words
-C :)

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