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-1 week later-
-Madison's (You) P.O.V-
Today is Friday, and Grayson is taking me on a date.
I did my makeup and got dressed.
I was at Emma and Carson's house because some of my outfits were still there.
I put on a yellow mini skirt and a white croptop.
I heard a knock on the door and I go downstairs.
I open the door and see Grayson.
G: Hey babe!
M: Hey! So, where are we going tonight?
G: Oh, there's a fair like 20 minutes away. Its your favorite place!
I scoff.
M: Grayson! The fair is so lame and childish, can we go to the mall?
G: Since when was it lame?
M: Since always Gray! Its so overrated.
G: You told me you loved it there..
M: Yeah, its not trendy anymore! Lindsey said to be cool I have to go to trendy places.
He rolls his eyes.
G: Can you forget trends and Lindsey for a second!
M: No! I have to or my popularity status will go low.
He gives me a frustrated look.
M: Well, that's good. Can you stop being so dramatic and take me to the mall, jesus.
He rolls his eyes.
G: I'm so fed up with you. Take yourself to the mall. I'm done with this.
M: What do you mean?
G: I MEAN I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU! You aren't the same you're exactly like Lindsey and I don't need another brat like her in my life.
M: I'm the same person! I swear, Grayson please don't break up with me!
G: You aren't. Its all about popularity and likes with you now. Your not the same girl I liked. Bye Madison.
He storms off and goes back into his car.
I run inside and go to my room and cry.
I got up. I looked in the mirror and wiped off my makeup and I changed into my pajamas.
I went straight to sleep.
-Next Day-
I wake up and got ready.
I'm not going to let some boy break my heart and not slay afterwards!
I'll just take Lindsey's advice. If a guy dumps you, look cuter than ever, and make them jealous.
I walked out without saying a word to Carson or Emma.
I got in my car and went to school.
I waited for Lindsey in our usual spot.
She comes up to me.
L: Hey girl!
M: Hey...
L: So, I heard he broke up with you, and now its time to go into flirt mode, so get you flirt face on. Plus, your still popular!
I nod.
M: You're right, let's go.
I run my fingers through my hair and touch it up a bit.
We walk in and people stare at us.
I look at Lindsey.
M: Why are they starring?
L: We look hot!
I smirk.
I see Grayson and I flick my hair back and ignore him.
We go to my locker.
L: Okay! Now find a hot guy and flirt with him.
I nod.
M: Oh! I'll do it in gym class!
L: Perf! Ttyl bestie!
I wave as she walks away.
I open my locker and grab my books.
Emma walks up to me.
M: Emma, what a surprise.
E: Look, I know we aren't friends but Lindsey isn't your friend.
I roll my eyes.
M: You sound very jealous.
E: I'm not! I heard, that she only wanted to hang out with you was to change everything about you. So then you'll be like her. Then Grayson
is going to break up with you and she'll have him again.
She said it quickly.
I slammed my locker.
M: Your unbelievable.
E: Oh really? Then why did Grayson dump you.
I looked over at Grayson and frowned. I thought about what he said that night.
I wanted to tell her what really happened, and that I was truly sorry for what I said to her.
But my mouth said something completely different.
M: That's not your business! Now excuse me, I have class to attend to.
I walked off.
-Skip to Gym-
I meet up with Lindsey.
L: Perf! Grayson is right over there flirt with someone!
I saw this cute jock and I pulled him to the side.
M: Hi...
Jock: What's up? Woah! Your that Madison girl right?
I laughed and played with my hair.
M: Guilty!
Jock: I'm Josh.
M: Hi Josh!
I looked at the corner of my eye and saw Grayson starring at me.
He had an angry look in his eyes. As if he would hurt someone.
I smirked.
J: Um..well, I have laps to run..so..
M: Oh! Yeah, of course!
I nod as he runs off.
I walk over to Lindsey.
M: Guess who made someone jealous?
I smirks and push my hair behind me.
She laughs.
L: Thank you!
I look at her confused.
L: Wait, you didn't actually think we were friends right?
M: Uh-
She laughed.
L: No sweetie, this was all my plan.
She started talking about her trick she played on me.
I zoned out not hearing a word she was saying I kept thinking about everyone I lost and hurt. I shouldn't of said those things to Emma. She was my bestfriend and I completely blew her off for no reason. Carson, I used to tell him everything and then we just completely stopped talking. Becky, I left her for nothing. Ethan, I became a total jerk and left him. All because Lindsey said he would embarrass me. Last of all, Grayson. He was nothing but kind to me. I HATE THIS GIRL! I LOST GRAYSON AND ALL OF MY FRIENDS BECAUSE OF HER.
I got pulled out of my thoughts when I heard screaming.
I looked up at her with my face beaming red.
M: What did you just call me?
She got in my face.
L: A. Worthless. Brat.
I smacked her in the face.
She put her hand on the handprint I left on her face and gasped.
Crowds rushed in. Including Grayson.
She pushed me to the ground.
I got up.
I tackled her to the ground and we started to wrestle.
Grayson pulls me off her.
She runs off.
I breathe heavily.
Emma and Carson run up to me.
I started to take sharp and short breaths.

Sunset Lover- Petit Biscuit
1112 words
-C :)

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