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I fell to the ground and tried breathing.
C: Maddie breathe.
E: Inhale, exhale. C'mon just like therapy.
Grayson rushes back.
He throws me the pump.
I slowly start breathing again.
I laid on my back on the ground.
E: Are you okay?
I nod.
They all laid on the ground next to me.
We laid there looking at the clouds.
It was silent.
I had to break it.
M: Guys...I'm sorry...especially for what I said Emma.
I sat up and so did Emma.
E: I have to admit. You're a jerk, but I love you, so, I forgive you.
I laughed and she hugged me.
M: I deserve that.
C: Well, I got laps to run.
E: Same...
They walk off.
Grayson got up.
G: I'm going to go.
He walked off.
I slowly walked up to him.
M: Gray?
He stopped and turned to me.
M: Um, I'm sorry for taking advantage of you and changing and being...a brat and just completely being the worst girl ever. I couldn't even feel me changing. I can't even believe myself.
I started rambling on and on he seemed lost in what I was saying.
He looked as if he wasn't listening.
He started to laugh a bit.
I stopped talking.
M: What's funny! I'm trying to be serious here.
G: Your cute when you talk fast like that. Your forgiven, now that your back.
I smile and hug him.
He hugs me and picks me up.
He put me down and we laughed.
G: Guess that's my cue.
I nod and wave.
He walks off and I smile hard.
I looked around.

I wanted to make new friends. I mean, Emma is great and all, but I feel like I want more. Like a group.

I walked around.
I walked to the locker room and changed.
-Skip to cheer practice-
Ms.Stevens: LADIES!
So today, I decided to spice up our routine!
We all nod.
Ms. Stevens: So I decided to do a add in a pyramid. The person on top will be your captain, Lindsey.
Lindsey smiles and plays with her hair.
We all clap.
Ms. Okay, so let's practice it.
We nod and started to practice. I had to hold her foot up and my muscles were burning.

As a cheerleader, the person usually on top is usually the smallest person.
I'm really short and skinny, but Lindsey is tall and linky, VERY SKINNY! She claims that it's the perfect body type.

Ms. Stevens: Alright! Great ladies! Were going to do it one more time and the wrap it up.
We got back in formation.
As soon as Lindsey got on top,
Grayson threw the ball to Carson and he didn't catch it. It hit me and I let go of Lindsey.
I fell on top of Lindsey.
Lindsey fell to the ground and screamed.
I got off of her and her leg was completely broken.
The bone poked out of her skin.
The whole cheerleading team surrounded her.
Grayson rushed over.
The ambulance rushed over and brought Lindsey to the hospital.
Everyone went home.
Except for me.
Some boy walked up to me.
It was Josh, I just met him.
J: Hey..
M: What's up?
J: So, I know your probably feeling guilty..
I nod.
M: Is it sad that I think she got what she deserved?
He laughed and smiled.
J: Not at all.
I nod and laughed.
He picked up the football and starting throwing it in the air.
J: I know how to get your mind off of it though.
M: Oh really?
He nods.
J: Football! Play a quick game with me. Please?
M: Fine.
I got up and walked with him to the field.
J: Oh and I'll go easy on you.
He winks.
I roll my eyes.
M: Whatever.
We started playing for a few minutes I have to admit it was fun.
I grabbed the ball and ran.
He chased me and tackled me lightly and he fell on top of me.
I laid on the ground laughing.
We laughed.
I flipped to my back and looked up at him.
He smiled and took the ball out of my hand and ran.
I quickly got up and chased him.
He laughs.
We played for a little while until Grayson called me.
I smiled down at my phone and picked up.
M: Hey babe!
G: Hey, you okay?
M: Yeah. I'll be home in like 10 minutes.
G: Okay, just checking up on you.
M: Awe how sweet.
He laughed and I hung up.
J: You guys are so cringeworthy.
M: Jealous much?
J: Not really, I'm not the dating type.
M: What's that suppose to mean?
I grab my water bottle and walk to the bleachers with him.
J: I just don't like feelings I guess.
M: Why?
J: Feelings lead to pain eventually.
I nod in agreement.
M: That's why you make the best of it.
I laugh.
J: Or, that's why you don't get attached.
M: I guess we have different opinions on love. I have to go, I had fun though.
J: Wait, can I have your number first?
M: Sure, I guess.
I gave it to him and grabbed my
bags. I walked to my car and sat in the car.

Was I technically cheating if I gave him my number? I mean were just friends, I don't really find him attractive. It's not that big of a deal.

I drove home and walked upstairs.
I walked in our room to see Grayson asleep.
I smiled and went in the shower.
I got done and wrapped a towel around my hair and one for my body.
I got a call and picked up.
M: Hello?
Person: Hi, this is Ms. Stevens. I called to tell you now that Lindsey is injured, you will be replacing her spot. So, until she's better, your the lead cheerleader.
I squeal.
Ms.Stevens: Your welcome, now get some rest, you have alot of practicing to do.
M: Of course.
I hung up and jumped around.
I walked out jumping and saw Grayson up.
G: What's with the happy dance?
He laughed.
M: I'm head cheerleader now that Lindsey's out!
I danced and my towel dropped and Grayson looked at me smirking.
M: Stop looking!
I quickly grabbed my towel laughing.
G: I think I like you better like that.
He winked.
M: You are such a pervert.

Let me explain myself on the boy gym teacher and the girl gym teacher. At my school we are separated because they don't want kids to do inappropriate things. So, if you were offended I'm sorry.
Sunset Lover- Petit Biscuit
-C :)

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