Headcanon # 20

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1: Larry can get real petty when he's upset or annoyed. It's like someone turned up his sarcastic meter, but then snapped the knob off. Leaving him permanently stuck at 20/no chill for the rest of the day. An only a hard reset of sleep can fix it.

Larry a chill guy, it takes a lot to get him upset. Usually, if he's mad at you, it's your own fault. He's way more forgiving with friends than acquaintances. Sal, chug or todd could do something. And his response would be

"dude... .not cool."

Let it be someone from school on the other hand- "WELL IM SORRY CHAD NOT EVERYONE CAN BANG YOUR MOTHER!"

"Don't. Your forehead is greasier than my hair."

2: So you thought, Larry was petty when he was upset. Nothing compares to Todd quiet stewing anger. Whatever apology you give better be a damn good one. Because not only does Todd go radio silent when he pissed. He stays that way for days until he feels like things have been rectified.

Todd is one of those guys, who has to get As on his report card. Not because he has to, but because he wants too. A there's a long-standing bet between him, Larry and chug. But Todd once had a teacher that just didn't like him. Went out of his way to make things hard for Todd.

Todd once got his report and essay paperback with a condescending B++. Just because the guy didn't wanna give him the A.

Todd "did not" elaborately steal his identity. Tank the guy's credit score, and bought weeks with a junk food, and cheap would be Christmas gift with the teachers' new credit card. He then found the teachers OkCupid profile and set them all as the main browser link on ever computer in the computer lab.

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