Chapter 3

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"Ole!! Clumsaria you came at last!! Alois yelled after my arriving at his mansion, running towards my direction as energetically as ever. Then, he hugged me with all his might, not even letting me time to react. "Alois, i missed you too but i.. need to breath" I responded as i coughed. "I am not that clumsy! I reasoned having a bright smile, as well as a slight blush appear on my face. "Yes you are! In fact you are the queen of clumsyness! Hola, you have a bruise at your shoulder! Alois said pointing at that exact part of my body. "That's.... I... Okay i give up i fell but this time it wasn't my fault!" I said trying to make up an excuse for myself. "You are so damn hilarious! I bet there is no other person in the whole world that's like you!" He said in a teasing manner while at the same time burting into laughter. "Hey, that's mean!" I said as i pouted. "But that's what makes you so special! He said while winking playfuly. "Thaks." I staturred at his words. "Thaks? You are clumsy even when you speak, Clums-A-ri-a! He teased once again, something which made me childishly stick out my togue, making a silly expression. "More importantly, why is your hair so tangled? I said, as i noticed the fair, silky hair of his which had become a huge mess. Then as usual, i placed my hands gently on his head and fixed it. "Maybe, i should hire you as my personal coiffure ." He joked as he placed his hands to cover his mouth, but purposely continued on laughing in order to pick on me more than he already had. However after listening to his words, i managed to keep my cool and looked at him with eyes full of concern instead. " Alois, i know you are hiding something from me. Lately i keep seing you either lost in thought, or completely distracted. I know that right now by making those jokes you are trying to seem like you are the normal "Alois" but i am worried for you! If anything is bothering you, tell me. I don't think that i am so utterly useless that- "Shhh." The suave blonde Alois whispered, placing his index firger tenderly at my soft lips. "There is no reason to worry about me so much stupid! It's not like i am preparing to take part in a war! He said in a comical manner, trying to calm me down. Then he placed his other hand on my head, and carresed my long hair which matched wirh his. "If anything happens to you then i-" "Nothing will happen." He said stoically, initiating more physical contact by pulling me into a tight embrace. " We will always be together, so don't be afraid." He whispered softly to mt ea burryinghis head below my shoulder in a cute way. "O-okay then." I said having a genuine, relievedsmile curve on my lips.

"A-lois" she mumbled in her sleep as her whole body was tremblimg from the shock of seeing the living image of Alois, uncoutiously reaching out her hand. "I have to apologize but i am no Alois, my princess." Aaron assured, kissing the back of her hand having a devilish expression on his face. "I have told you a million times not to be so casual with me!" Aria said indignantly, being taken by surprised by the bold action of her "butler". "But you were the one that extended your hand to me. I felt that if i hadn't done so you would have felt rejected." Aaron said dramatically, immediately coming up with a pretext. "Rest assured, i wouldn't have!" She said in such a manner that made Aaron sigh in disappoinment. "Do you require my assistance in changing you attirement?" Aaron asked, having a sly smile on his face. "Just get out of the room! God, each and every time!" She shouted and then threw the pillow in which her delicate pate had previously rested. Naturaly, due to the fact that he was a demon,  Aaron was able to dodge it easily. "Milady this is no way to speak to a gentleman." He said in a theatrical matter, closing his eyes and turning his head from one side to the other in disapproval."Get out of my room! That's an order!" Aria said completely ticked off by her servant. "As you wish then." He said with a cocky smile and then dashed to the exit of the room, as didn't want to feel his master's fury.

Thereafter, she got up from her bed and walked towards her closet,thus chose the dress she would wear. She made the excellent choice of an elegant scarlett dress with a tip of black which complimented her unusual yet fascinating eye colour and matching shoes. "Why does he always have to cause headaches?" The fair skinned girl wondered as she sighed.  Then she brushed her smooth hair and walked slowly towards the exit of her room, and headed for the room in which she would dine.

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