Chapter 5

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"Ciel... is a demon??" Aria said, being at a loss of words from her friend's sudden revelation. "Yes, that's right." Ellen said razing her gaze so that her and Aria's eyes could make direct contact. "How? Wasn't he just a human child? And how in the world do you know that? The immensly devastated Aria made naturaly many questions, one question after another so that she could be releashed from the confusion which was caused by just a simple yet unforseen phrase. "It has to do with Alois." She mumbled "When i gave you the information on Alois' murder that i had supposedly gathered from a fellow shingami, i lied. It wasn't another shinigami, i was the one that was there. And even though i wasn't there from the beggining, i used my cinematic record on the demon also known as Hannah Anafeloz, before the surroundings were starting to falter. And i saw all the truth, about her and about your so called dear Alois." She said, having a look full of apathy. "He wasn't really a "Trancy", he was an orphan and his real name was Jim and he also had a little brother, who was named Luka. He had it very tough. He had to do anything in his power to survive, even if that meant stealing. Plus, the villagers abused him, and treated him like mere trash. But at least he was not alone in this. But once, when the people of the village took it too far he wished that "the people that didn't love them should die." Hearing Alois' words, his younger brother who had met a demon made the same wish, as he wanted his brother who was always there for him happy. In exchange of course, he had to give something of equal value, which for demons is their soul." Ellen said, but made a small pause in order to catch on her breath. "Then a old earl Trancy took him in, but not only to take advantage of his body. But it wasn't only him. He had taken in many other ones, but he was his favorite toy. Thus by "sucking up to him", he managed to get closer to the Trancy matters.After the into telling others that he was a long lost member of the Trancy family. Although his sudden appearence was odd, his facial characteristics in general, had matched their own so he was able to pass as one of them. One day, before he had gained the status as the Trancy earl, a demon appeared before him, who was named Claude Faustus. But even though he had made a contract with that despiseful demon, he hadn't thought of a wish to make. So Claude just followed "Alois'' orders until he could think of one. Then he learned that his brother was supposedly killed by Sebastian Michaelis. Thus he wanted to take revenge revenge on him, thefore found Ciel Phantomhive who was Sebastian's master. So he abducted Ciel. Getting to know Ciel better he started to grow jelous of him. He had everything that he always wished for, so he wishedto crash him. And because Claude also started to want Ciel's soul too, he put a "genius" plan of his in action. But unfortunately for him it didn't work out, and well to sum it all up Alois entered Ciel's body. Having control of hus body, he learned the truth from Hannah, who was secretely serving him as his personal maid. She did that only to be closer to him. She was really fond of him, and as he had eaten his brother's soul she had undersood wonderful feelings he had for "Alois". Of course she loved him and would do everything for him. He made another contract, in Ciel's body, with Hannah and made a wish. Then he told the two demons via Hannah, that they had to fight a death match and that it was a part of his wished that had to be fullfilled.So the two demons fought, having a singke demon sword as that and a shinigami's scythe are the only things that are able to kill a demon apparently. The death match was won by Sebastian, and Claude's last words were that Alois' soul might have been worth. Thence, he went to where Hannah was located at the time only to find out the "truth" about Alois's wish, as she jumped off a cliff and threw his body underwater. Then she went to the place where Claude had died so that all of them could be together. They were united at last, ironically resembling a united family. That very moment seemed like an extremely valuable portait that an art lover would gladly accept spend even a fortune to obtain. While on the other hand, Sebastian had followed his master's fall, thus ascertained himself that his master was no longer human." She spouted all at once, whithout even taking a small breath.

"That's all." She said while snorting, having an almost relieved face from getting rid of the weight of all the secrets she had been keeping to herself for so long. But then again, she remembered that the disasterous storm had not passed, as it's climax was about to begin. What she had faced, was only the beggining "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Aria questioned frowning her brows something which made her look even angrier. "I-i" Ellen staturred, "It was because i didn't want to hurt you!" She exclaimed. "And did you in any way assume that things would get better if you didn't say anything?" Aria exclaimed, raising the tone of her voice so that it could be perfectly resonated with her feelings.

"Why didn't he tell me?! Wasn't i suposed to be the only person he ever trusted? She wondered as her hand formed a strong fist which was shaking due to the feelings of acrimony and sadness which had ovetaken her.

"Aaron! How come you didn't say anything about Ciel?" She asked in a half livid half desperate manner. "I classified it as trivial, completely useless information. It's not going to affect your objective in any way so i thought that there was no point. Besides, i am just a filthy dog that follows his master's orders." Aaron said having his eyes glimmer. Aria then, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. He needen a little time to herself, to grasp the situation and get a hold of herself. She also had to rethink her goal, and quickly at that. She couldn't afford to waste anymore time. Was all she had thought, just a mere waste of time? No of course it wasn't all for nothing. She "But he may have not been the direct cause of his death, but he also bares major responsibility." Now that he will come to my mansion, i will get to know him better thus if he is mere trash i shall just simply dispose of him immediately." She said having an expressionless poker face. She had to calmly compromise with the turn things had taken, even though it was easier said than done. But still, she had no intention of forgiving Ellen for the actions she had taken, and just continue with her life like nothing had happened. Although Ellen did not bare ill intentions, Aria felt betrayed by her most precious friend. She felt worhless. She was not that forgiving of be Aria afterall. "Leave." This was the only word that managed to escape her tiny little mouth. If she forgave her that easily, that wouldn't be Aria in the first place and Ellen knew that far too well. They were best friends, when Aria had a problem Ellen would always be there for her even if she would not profit from that. She was deeply pained from what she was about to do but there was no helping it. Betrayal, according to Aria was something intollerable, something which disgusted her to the core. To her, Ellen was an enemy now, one of those people who caused all the misfortune that had given the darkest shade of black her to whole life, and her very being. "Silly, Aria" She thought to herself "There is no such thing as a darker shade than black." She chuckled at her pathetic thoughts. As stupid she may have thought she were, those were her true feelings. They were way beyond human understanding.

Suddenly, the window next to the one that Ellen had broken in order to get herself into the room had severed into tiny millions blades of glass, and a result another person was inside the spacious room. It was like she flew over to where they were and used a huge umbrella to land.She was a girl of medium height, that physicaly seemed to be over Ellen's age. She had wonderful icy blue coloured eyes, accompanied by silver long hair and pale skin. She also wore a semi long dress with peculiar laces. It had the eccentric colour of white, exactely the same as her unique hair, all over it. White was usualy known to be the colour of purity, the colour which represents innocence. But then again, white also stands for maddness and imppasivity. That very choice of clothes, along with her hair was something, that captured her attention. She was also tottaly expressionless, tottaly innafected and oblivious of her surroundings. Except of course her similar way to Ellen's of entering Aria's room that is. So imperturbable she was, that i believe even if a murder took place she wouldn't be shaken up one tiny bit. Then the literally "snow white" girl after wiping the pieces of glass that had remained on her arms, walked forward from there like nothing ever happened and stopped right before Aaron.

"I have been searching for you Aaron." She said using her graceful voice, having her expressionless face change slightly, as an amusing yet confident smile, surprisingly took over her face, even it was only for a split second it could not could never remain unnoticed.

Guys!!! <3333 Thank you so much for the support!!! I hope you liked this chapter!! :DDDD What do you think of the new character that popped up? :333

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