Chapter 3. Taking care of Ai - Tokiya and Otoya's part

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Tokiya and Otoya slowly enters Ai's room and looks around. "It's neat.."

Otoya looks at Natsuki's bed and change his word. "except there.."

Tokiya walks to Ai and wipe his sweat using a towel. Otoya use the thermometer to take Ai's temperature. "101.4 F!?"

"What!?" Tokiya puts wet towel on Ai's forehead. "That's impossible!"

"But Ai is a robot so.. but it's weird why he has a fever.."

"Yeah" Tokiya and Otoya looks at Ai and sigh. Some hours laters, Otoya and Tokiya were asleep. Otoya were leaning towards Tokiya while Tokiya is sleeping while sitting.

"I'm Back!!" Reiji shouts in huge tone and burst in to the room. Otoya falls from the sofa because shocked and Tokiya wakes up.

"Rei-chan.. don't suddenly shouts..: Otoya rubs his eyes and Reiji covers his mouth. "Sowwy~ XP"

"Mm.." Ai slowly opens his eyes and Reiji runs to him. "Ai-Ai!!" Reiji hugs him but release because he's hot.

"Rei..ji..?" Ai's voice were cracked and small, sounds like he's whispering. "How do you feel Ai-senpai?" Tokiya smiles to Ai.

Ai blinks and answer. "Dizzy..."

"Here" Otoya gives Reiji a glass of water and Tokiya Otoya helps Ai to sit up. Reiji helps Ai to drinks and helps him to lay down.

"Who will take care of him tomorrow?" Otoya looks at Ai that falls asleep again and they exit the room.

"Who knows..."

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