Chapter one

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The young woman walked into her apartment at the end of a long day. She was dead on her feet, and honestly, all she could think about was a quick shower and her bed however that all changed the second she reached for the lights. When she switched them on, she saw, and panic flew through her body. Her place had been trashed again. She listened for a second and then walked out of the apartment locking the doors behind her. She walked back down to her car and calmly called the police and told them that her apartment had been broken into and that she was waiting in her car in front of the building. She knew how this would go, an officer would be down to look around and basically tell her they were sorry but there was not much they could do. Even with the restraining order, she had in place she could never prove it was him. The torment he had caused in the three years since she left him was becoming almost comical to an outsider, but to her, she could see the escalation in his desperate attempts to hurt her.

While she waited for the police, she started looking up new apartments that she would have to try to look at over the next week. His ability to find her was becoming beyond human and he was doing it quicker each time, she couldn't figure out how he was doing it either. She had a whole network of friends he never knew about helping her with placing utilities in their name, and she had a PO box instead of having her mail forwarded, she was careful to give a friends address for work instead of her own, even her phone was in her father's name. She was lost and fighting with a man who hid better than she ever could. She was becoming desperate, and the worst part was she knew he was too.

When the cop finally showed up it was a repeat of every other time this had happened except they questioned her if she had done it to get attention. She looked at them appalled as she asked them if they had ever dealt with a crazy ex before? If not then she didn't want to hear it. She was scared for the first time as it really hit her as the cops left. She was entirely alone in this. No one could see what he was doing to her, she had moved fourteen times in the last three years, and he was still right there with her at every step. He could come back right now and do whatever and the police would ignore it. She picked up her phone and called one of her co-workers, "Hey sorry it's late.", she said into the receiver.

"It's not a problem I just walked in the door.", he said.

"Sasuke I have a favor to ask.", she said matter of factly.

"Shoot.", He replied. Sasuke worked in one of the adjacent departments to hers on base.

"Can I crash at your place for a few days?", she asked.

"Problems?", He asked. She thought to herself that he really was simply spoken as his responses were usually one or two words at the max if he was considering something.

"He found me again.", she replied.

"Then why are you still there?", he asked at first then continued. "Of course you can stay here."

"Thanks, Sasuke. I'll be there in 20.", She said as she hung up the phone and went to grab some clothes and shove them into a bag. She looked around again and wondered what gift he had left for her this time but didn't stay to find it. She had that rush of instinctual fight or flight energy hit her, and she bolted from the apartment again, barely stopping to lock the door. As she got to the bottom of the stairs and hit the pavement, she turned and looked, and though her apartment was on the second floor, she was sure she saw the blinds moving. Luckily for her, Sasuke was even more paranoid then her when it came to his privacy, and he had nothing in his name either. She was sure he was in the apartment still, and there was nothing anyone could do to help. She got in her car and took off peeling out of the parking lot and down the long highway that led straight to the base. Sasuke had managed to get a small house on the beach right next to the base his reasoning was it was best to live close to where you work if there is an emergency you can get there faster. She could see his point, but at the same time, the base was only partly safe to her as she knew her ex-had enough friends that could bring him on at any point. That scared her even more as she was virtually defenseless against him and he could thoroughly torment her and force her to move again. If she did run again she would have to run far away but she was scared he had gone to the lengths he already had, he would just follow her where ever she went. She knew somewhere deep down he would always follow her and torment her, no place on earth was safe.

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