19 july 2018

27 7 1

Dear diary
Hello this is my first entree my name is amber and I'm 15 years and I have brown hair and blue eyes
I'm writing this as I get abused by my family but no one knows

Today I woke up to my hands tied to my bed I couldn't move I started to scream but all of a sudden my dad walked in and slapped me round the face "shut up you little shit" he said I'm so scared but i don't want to tell anyone about it incase I get taken away I'm treated like a Slave in my own home I have to cook breakfast clean the clothes clean the floor I never get to go out after school.
Today at school I got pushed over by my sister she started saying that I took her phone and took photos of her naked. I didn't. The only person I feel safe with is Dom my best friend I told him about everything and he says I should tell someone but I'm not sure
I arrived home and as soon as I walked in my Mum punched me in the tummy it hurt so bad. I hate living here but I can't go anywhere else
So this is my first Diary entree I hope I make it though the night
Amber xx

Hi guys I hope you like this I know it isn't great but I'm working on it I will hopefully do an update maybe once a day even more. this is just a book and none of this is happening in real life
Gemma xx

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