24th july

11 3 2

Today I was actually allowed out I saw bryn this morning and I met his family they are so nice his mum sadly passed away when he was little. I felt so welcome when I was there. His family is so nice I wish I could stay there forever
This afternoon I saw Dom I was so happy I got out I told him I saw bryn and then we got in to a big argument apparently I'm not allowed to be friends with boys I was so upset and I just ran away from him I don't want to talk to him ever again I ran straight in to bryn and he took me back to his lucky no one was home so I just cried and cried and cried he said I could stay the night I nodded but I'm scarred of what might happen tomorrow
We watched a film called the shallows with Blake lively I'm it. We ended up holding hands he is so sweet I think I'm falling for him 😬
I fell asleep half way during the film and then I got picked up and put in the spare bed. I woke up to find myself here
I'm scared I don't want to go home tomorrow what will my parents do what if they really hurt me
What do I do ?
Amber xx

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