24th November

13 2 0

hi diary 

today bryn asked me out. I said no...jk I said YES. 


sadly that was ruined I got home and sent to my room where a man was waiting I got hit so many times I couldn't scream the pain was to much. I love my parents and I never thought they would hurt me so much what have I ever done to them.

im in so much pain but I want to tell you how bryn asked me 

we were sitting on the park bench and he turned to me and was like amber ever since I met you I liked you. you were so kind to me I love you will you go out  with me ?

im in pain so im gonna go 

talk to you when I can 


bryn pov 


so ii never write in this but today I asked amber out the love of my life 

I love the way her hair shines in the winter light the way she smiles at me I love her so much (sorry for the cringe)

but I am worried about her as her parents hurt her and she is in constant pain and I cant do anything about it 

I don't know what else to write 

so byeee 

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