21 july 2018

22 5 2

Dear diary
I survived the night barley I'm pretty sure my nose is broken and a few ribs but I can't tell anymore I'm used to it.
Today I was locked in my room all day but again I'm used to it.
My parents came in shouting shit towards me telling me to die but hey maybe they are right I don't Seaver or live. The only good part about my day was that Dom msged me asking if I'm ok I wanted to tell him I wanted to die I just want to disappear but I guess I can't do that.
I've not had food for 2 days now and I'm hungry I wonder how my family are doing I normally cook and clean but I can't cos I'm locked in my room. I threw up 🤮 today there was blood in my sick and I'm an a bit worried but I'm fine.

So I'm writing this diary and I've realised you don't know anything about it really I really like listening to music and watching Netflix I'm a huge marvel and Star Trek fan I love spider man aka Tom Holland 💖. I love pirates of the Caribbean and I guess I could say I've been abused since I was around 10 and I know what your probably thinking oh she had the perfect childhood but I didn't.
I just want to escape but I can't I need help I'm scared I don't know who to trust anymore even Dom.
I forgot to say yesterday my cat 🐈 Mickey got ran over by this boy called Bryn he is popular and my sister is in love with him he has 3 sister but one is his twin her name is Mia she is really nice and then he has 2 younger sister. His dad works at our school he is kinda social worker for school. Anyway he ran over my cat and now I don't know what to do I feel even more shit then I already did he tried to say sorry but I couldn't listen to him. Mickey meant everything to me and now he is gone and my Mum and Dad just laughed I hate it
Till tomorrow
Amber xx

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