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I should exsplain why i always say bye, babes....... i always say it and its for a reason. Thats how i say goodbye to every one. Mabye ill talk bout it later. Just know that when i say that, i means im always gonna come back to this book.

The bell rang and Jay stood up to pack his bag only to feel someone tap his shoulder. He turned around and saw a nervous Daniel stareing at him. "Hey Jay, I was er... wondering if you could help me study? The finals are coming up and I'm probably going to fail at this rate"

Jay took a few seconds to process but nodded."Oh, my roommate has to sleep so could we go to the library?" Jay nodded his head again and held up a finger as if to say wait. Daniel nodded and the blond packed his stuff into his bag. He turned back to Daniel and the two of them made their way to the front of the school. Jay pointed to his motorcycle and handed Daniel the one helmet resting on it. Daniel took it "but won't you need one?"

Jay shrugged and sat on the bike. Daniel sat behind him and put the helmet on. He sped off and Daniel almost fell if so he wrapped his arms against the others stomach. His fingers brushed over jays thin shirt and He turned bright red at the contact "Jesus Jay, where do you workout?" He whispered, not exspecting him to hear. Yet he went bright red as he turned left. Daniel hid his face in jays neck and held in tightly, because let's face it, He was scared out of his mind.

Jay parked in front of the library, only  to see it was closed. Daniel opened his mouth to say something but Jay sped off again towards the mall. "Uh Jay, I don't think the mall is a good place to study" Daniel stuttered out. He nodded but continued in the same direction.

They parked out side of a small cafe and quickly made their way inside. Jae sat at a seat near the window and Daniel sat across from them. Jay pulled out his books and Daniel fallowed. "Can we start with math? Your top of that subject" Jae nodded and Daniel noticed a faint blush on the blonds face. Jae pointed to a problem at the top of the page but a busty waitress interrupted. "Can I get you two anything?" She asked in a sweet voice. She was clearly flirting with Daniel, so despite her not being able to see his eyes, he glared at the women. "I uh, no thank you I don't have mo- I mean.... I don't want anything" Jay mentally face palmed. I shouldn't have brought him to a cafe. He's broke. Jay pointed at the picture of a red tea on the small placemat and held up two fingers. "Ok, two teas coming right up." Jay nodded and the women walked off. "Jay you didn't have to get me anything.......... thank you" Daniel mumbled. Jae smiled and went back to the problem.

They had finished one problem when the women came back with the teas. Jae put sugar in his while Daniel took a sip. "Gees, that's really hot." Daniel spoke. "Thank you, again" Jae nodded and cautiously took a sip. He set down the cup and pointed to the next problem but suddenly about 20 people walked in and started talking very loudly.

Jay glared at them and pointed to his stuff. "Oh? You wanna go somewhere else quite? Okay" Daniel said. They packed their stuff and Jay left 20 dollars on the table then the two of them left. They sat back into the motor bike in the same position and he sped towards a tall glass building. They pulled up in front and turned the bike off. "Do you live here?" Jae nodded and showed Daniel up to his apartment. Jay slowly opened the door and was relieved to see the house was clean. "Wow. You must have an amazing view" Jay nodded and slipped his shoes off. Daniel did the same and Jae showed him to his bedroom. Jae sat on his bed and Daniel sat next from him, their shoulders touched and both sat with their legs dangling of the side.

Time skip an hour.

The two boys had finished roughly 30 questions and Daniel was understanding each one with ease by the time daniels stomach let out a gurgle. The dark haired boy turned bright red and Jay stood up and pointed at himself then to the door. "Sure, I'll wait here"Daniel stated, Jay nodded and made his way to the kitchen. He grabbed two cans of coke from the fridge and a pack of Oreos from the cabinet. He quickly made his way back to his room and found Daniel looking out the window, yet still sitting in the same spot.

Jae sat back on his bed next to daniel again and the boy spun his head up. "Jesus, you scared me. Oh thanks for the coke" Jae nodded and handed him the cold Can. He lay back onto his back and picked up the remote from the bedside table. He played finding Nemo and threw the remot back the sat up again. "Dude. Finding Nemo is the best movie in existence" Jae nodded in agreement  and opened the package of Oreos the offered Daniel some. He took one and happily munched away at it.

It was halfway through the movie and they were at the part where dory was doing charades with the fish. The both broke out laughing and Daniel turned his head sideways. "You have a nice laugh, you should laugh more" Jae turned his head sideways to and shrugged. At that exact moment, the two boys realized just how close they were. Daniels eyes switched down to jaes lips and back up at his covered eyes.
They stayed like that, staring at each other for a few seconds, both bright red. Daniel could feel Jays cold minty breath on his mouth and unknowingly leaned forward.
Jay slowly leaned forward and connected their lips in a short kiss. It lasted about 5 seconds but to the boys it felt like hours. Jay leaned back and looked at Daniels wide eyes.
Daniel suddenly felt a surge of confidence and pressed his lips against jays and leaned forward so he was pressing their body's together.
They sat kissing for a few seconds before Daniel slowly rose a hand to the back of jays neck.
Jay grinned and pulled back, he trailed kisses down Daniels jaw and down to his neck. He seemed to be looking for something and smiled into the light kisses when Daniel let out a gasp when he kissed right below his ear.
Jay placed his hands on Daniels hips and guided him so Daniel was straddling his waist. Daniel gave an eager nod and Jay attached his mouth to the spot again. Daniel gasped as he sucked and nibbled at the sensitive flesh.
Jay pulled away and examined his work and gave a small nod. "What did you do?" Daniel asked innocently, jay pointed at his neck and daniel glanced at the mirror situated on the wall beside them.
Sitting bold in purple and red was a bright hickey. Daniels hand shot up and he rubbed at the skin, wondering what was on his neck.
"Whats that?" He continued, still completely dumb to the idea of hickeys. Jay tilted his head in confusion. How does daniel park of all people not know what a hicky is? 
Daniel looked down at the position he was in and turned dark red. "Ah-i... got a little carried away, so-" "Mr.Jay, your sister is going to be here in 5 minutes, she just called."
Daniel shot his head around and found a man standing at the doorway, dressed in a suit and looking calmly at the compromising scene.

Jay ran a hand through his hair and tapped his wrist towards the man. "The time is currently 7:43 PM sir" the man left amd the two boys looked slowly back at each other.
Daniel looked deep in thought then suddenty jumped off of jays lap and started gathering his stuff. "I'm sorry to cut this short but I need to go home, Danny needs to give me the keys before he leaves for work" Daniel swung his bag over his shoulder and jay stood as well.
Daniel waved awkwardly at Jay and went to leave but jay grabbed his hand. Daniel looked back at him and was taken aback as Jay planted a final soft kiss on Daniels lips, except this one was different from the others.
The others were hungry and needy, this one was love like and carefull.
Daniel nodded, gave a small smile and left.


Homework help(Janiel)(Rewritten version)Where stories live. Discover now