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I don't really know if you guys expected drastic change or anything, it's the same for like 6 chapters with a few changes in wording. The part that will change the most is In 2 or 3 chapters. Same things, some lime and mr.sugar daddy talks, that's all.

Daniel and Jae hadn't talked for a week. They would ignore each other completely. Because each knew they loved the other but neither knew the feeling was neutral.

The day after the kiss, Daniel had come out as gay to his friends. Of course joy was disappointed but everyone accepted him fully. But when Zoe asked how he found out, he would glance at Jay and shrug. Jay of course was thrilled to learn he wasn't just a mistake. But of course neither of them were happy not talking to the other


"Class, we are gonna be doing projects in groups of four, the groups are already made so once you hear your name, join up with your group" the teacher announced. There were many shouts of displeasure but both Daniel and Jae looked at each other. They put their attention back on the teacher who was halfway through calling out groups. "Daniel, Mira, Zach and Jae." Daniel looked at Jae to see him already starring at him. The two boys stayed put and Mira made her way across the room, seeing as the boys were in a row already. "Hi guys!" Daniel mumbled a hello, Jae nodded and Zach happily let her sit next to him. "You all are going to Design 5 outfits and bring them into class, you will have 1 month" the teacher sat back at their desk and the class Burst into chatter. "We can go to my house after school and work on it. My parents are gone for the week" Mira said. Jae nodded and Zach acted as if she had come up for a cure for cancer. "Great! Then we can Focu-" "we get it Zach, you can shut up now" Daniel said, clearly angered. "Jesus park, woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" "I'm fine Zach" "come to think of it, you've been acting weird every since the day you came out" Daniel glanced at Jae and stood from his desk. "I need to use the restroom, I'll be right back" Jae watched as Daniel walked out of the classroom silently and quickly got up to fallow him.

Daniel entered the restroom and jay peeped around the corner to see why he was so angry. Daniel was leaned over the sink with his hands on each side "stop it Danny. It was just a kiss" Daniel whispered to himself before turning the facet on and splashing his face with water. "He's probably straight anyways. Snap out of it" he spoke clearly this time. "Dammit Jae, Your fucking with my head" he spoke. Jae's eyes widen as Daniel turned the water of and punched the wall, making his knuckles bleed. He punched it almost 10 times before standing back and washing off the blood. He dried his hands and looked back into the mirror before walking towards the exit. Jae ran down the hall and popped back into the classroom before Daniel saw. "Jae, where's Daniel?"

Jae shrugged and sat back down in his seat, Daniel came back in the room with bandages covering his knuckles. He sat back in his seat. He looked at Jae before looking back down at his paper. "Yeah, sorry for acting weird. I'm just going through some stuff" "it's okay Daniel, just tell me if I can do anything" Mira stayed sweetly. "Thanks!" He said.


The bell rung and they all made their way to Mira's house, Jae pulling his motor bike along with him. They got there and sat on the couch to start.

Time skip one hour.

They had finished the tops for two of the designs when Mira decided to get drinks. Zack happily fallowed after her and there was a awkward silence between the two boy. Daniel bit his lip and looked around the room. Something in Jae snapped at the tension and he quickly leaned over and kissed Daniel. If not the same, it was better than the last. Daniel was leaning against the arm of the couch as Jae leaned over him. It was Daniel this time who took charge and swiped Jae's lip with his tongue. They fought for dominance, which Jae won over. Jae's hands went up to straight to Daniels neck as Daniel grabbed the blonds hips. They leaned back for air and Mira called from the kitchen "Do you want tea or soda?!" "Uhhh......" Jae felt something press against his inner thigh and he turned bright red. "I think i actually have to leave. There's a uh.... problem I have to fix. It's rather private" Daniel called. Jae chuckled and kissed Daniels neck. "Jesus. Your gonna kill me" Daniel mumbled

"oh! Okay see you tomorrow." Mira called back. Daniel stood from the couch and stood strangely. "Uh- see you tomorrow?" He said to Jae. The blond shrugged in disappointment and looked up and store as Daniel walked away. He closed the door and Jae quickly fallowed. Daniel was walking down the ally way beside the house when Jae found him.

He caught up the the perfect boy and grabbed his shoulder. "I love you" Jae said. Daniels eyes grew wide. He turned towards the boy. "Did you just. Speak? Wait. You love me?" Jae nodded and hugged him. "I-i love you to" Jae looked up at the boy. "Will you come over to my house?" Jae's voice cracked as he spoke. Daniel checked the time on his watch. It was only 4 and he started work at 7. "Yeah sure"

  Jae unlocked his door and Daniel fallowed him into his bedroom. "So what do you wanna do?" Daniel asked nervously. But Jae pushes him onto his bed and straddles his waist. "Seriously, Your gonna be the death of me" Jae smiled and kissed him again.
It got heated and Daniel stated unbuttoning Jae's shirt. They both had members pressing against their thighs and Jae was nearly laying over Daniel.
"I-is this okay?" Jae nodded and Daniel pulled the blonds shirt off. Daniel rolled over and kissed him again. He rubbed his hands over Jae's chest and abs, every moment getting more turned on. Jae pulled Daniels shirt over his head and connected their lips again. Daniels hands kept going lower and lower. His fingers found their way to jaes belt buckle and he found them unlatching the large silver buckle. During this their lips were connected and it was all love and lust. He pulled the belt off and his hands unzipped the zipper of his jeans. Jae's jeans came of swiftly and with only his boxers on, Jae's member stood loud and proud. "A-are you sure you w-want this?" He asked him again. Jae flipped them over and worked on Daniels jeans. He nodded and pulled of the layer. Both just in there boxers, there was no shame anywhere near. "I love you" they both said in sink.

PG 15+ kiddos.
Smut next chapter babes.
Okay so I've sexted but it's so weird writing smut for the public. Jesus. Okay I'm gonna go write.
Plz leave a vote.

Bye babes.

Word count: 11:82

Homework help(Janiel)(Rewritten version)Where stories live. Discover now