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I told him to stop.

He just held me in his arms and whispered things that'd make anyone scream 'rape,' but I stood there and took it. He broke my heart and repeatedly kept stomping on it.

"Déjame pasar mi lengua dentro y alrededor de tu boca y haz que te des cuenta de quién es tu papá."

{ Let me put my tongue in and around your mouth and make you realize who your dad is ~ }

He just kept grabbing me as I squirmed around; my mind wouldn't function correctly.
My body felt like it wanted this but I knew how to restrain myself.
His love and affection was all I wanted, but this touch had no emotion behind it except one.

"¿Por qué me enamoré de ti?"

{ Why did I fall for you? }

He kissed my neck roughly, and began to pull on the shoulder area of my sweater, exposing some of my collarbone. He tugged at my arm and looked over to the bed, signaling me to get on. I shook my head in protest, but he didn't approve.

"You know you want this, I know you're still not over me."

I'm still not over him.

"I did, but you just wanna use me; play and toy with me till you're satisfied just because you got rejected by two other girls that you cared about. You never even noticed me till I confessed. You just wanted to distract yourself, or maybe it was out of  pity. But I'm not gonna deal with the fact that you don't want me."

He let go and hugged me. His hold made it seem as if I was made of glass, his touch ever so delicate.

"I did love you, but things went too fast between us. I missed you so much but I decided that I shouldn't put effort into us, it wasn't worth it."

At this point I felt like falling to my knees to scrape up the fragments of what was left of my heart. I bursted into tears and let the waterworks mark his sleeves.

"But I still want you.."

He rubbed my back till I was done.

"I'm done with relationships."

After a good few sobs he walked out my bedroom door, I heard him sigh while went down the stairs before reaching the front door and letting himself out. Seconds later I followed and locked the door and slid down onto the floor silently crying.

He's gone.

{ I do not own the picture above}
The conversation monologue was what him and I actually conversed.
This was just something I came up with and I felt was appropriate to the scenario in our conversation, hope you enjoyed.


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