Chapter One: James Dean

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-Present day

Between the ticking sound of the clock and the clanking sound of the forks and knifes hitting the plate, as my family and I ate our dinner, were the only sound that filled the room. I'm not completely sure if it's been like this everyday since I left, but it seemed normal for them. I remember our old family dinners when we used to laugh all night long, dinner was always followed with family game night or a movie. Tonight doesn't seem like it, and by the dusty board games that sit on the shelf, it seems like there hasn't been a family game night in months, maybe even in years.

I sat across from Jesse, my fraternal twin brother. When ever we tell people we are twins they always give us blank stares. Weirdly, it's true. We are opposites in every way possible, when it comes it personality, hobbies, likes, and looks we are completely different. Jesse is much more taller than I am, and slender. I have always been the one in the family to be considered as the chubby one. My face is much more rounder than his. His face has amazing bone structure, he's almost an exact replica of mom. Which is kinda ironic since we're supposed to replicas of each other. He had perfect blonde hair as well, while I have dark hair that is on a thin line of being really dark brown or just black. His eyes are very unique. They're a deep medium blue, but there's an abundance of brown that surrounds the outside of his orbs which clashes with the blue. I on the other hand have plain brown eyes.

I look to my right and see my little sister Grace. She as well resemble mom all to well. She had the perfect chiseled face, ocean blue eyes, and beautiful long blonde hair. However, Grace is much shorter than the rest of us. She hasn't grown since that last time I saw her, mom blames it on her constant need for coffee. She believes it stopped her growth.

Both my parents sat at the ends of the table, not even communicating with each other. Something seems off, but this is only my first night back home. Maybe it's just me over analyzing everything.

I watched Jesse click away at his phone under the table. Hiding the phone for obvious reasons. He began to smirk at his phone as he typed faster. By the looks of it he's texting someone. He turns the phone shut and slides it into his pocket. And resumes to eating dinner as if he never stopped. I glance over at Grace. She picks at her peas with her fork. Her plate looked barely touched. She hoisted herself up on the table with one elbow. She played with her food with and upset look on her face. Something was bother her.

Mom clears her throat catching Grace's attention. With her fork she points at her elbow, indicating for Grace to remove it from the table. Mom has always been really serious about proper table etiquette. Reluctantly Grace removes her elbow, but doesn't stop picking at her food.

Father on the other hand was fully engulfed in his food and the newspaper that he held in one hand. Occasionally he'll drop his fork and pick up a pen to circle something. This is something father used to do when I was a child. Whenever he was preparing himself to write a speech he'll circle news articles of current events that he wanted to address. I guess some things never change. The thing that has changed is him doing it the table. This isn't like him, there's two explanations I can think of. One is that maybe something really important is coming up so he's studying super hard, and two is that maybe this is the new normality for my family.

Then I finally look at mom. The only person at the table with a smile of pure happiness on her face. She's doing what I'm doing. Observing everyone at the table. But the difference between us she sees the positive while I see the negative. Instead of seeing Jesse sneak his phone snd smiling at it she sees him smiling down at his plate. Showing her the food was delicious. She sees dad circling news articles and it makes her proud due to the fact that he takes his job serious, and she admires that. She sees Grace listen to her and removes her elbow from the table, and she smiles at that because she's glad she caught it instead of father. Preventing a fight or a drawn out unneeded conversation.

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